时间: 2023-12-19 17:07:39 浏览: 101
torch.nn.functional.block_clamp(input, min_val, max_val, inplace=False)
def block_clamp(input, min_val, max_val, inplace=False):
if inplace:
input.clamp_(min_val, max_val)
return input
return torch.clamp(input, min_val, max_val)
class DropBlock_Ske(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_point, block_size=7): super(DropBlock_Ske, self).__init__() self.keep_prob = 0.0 self.block_size = block_size self.num_point = num_point self.fc_1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_features=25, out_features=25, bias=True), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(in_features=25, out_features=25, bias=True), ) self.fc_2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_features=25, out_features=25, bias=True), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(in_features=25, out_features=25, bias=True), ) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() def forward(self, input, keep_prob, A): # n,c,t,v self.keep_prob = keep_prob if not or self.keep_prob == 1: return input n, c, t, v = input.size() input_attention_mean = torch.mean(torch.mean(input, dim=2), dim=1).detach() # 32 25 input_attention_max = torch.max(input, dim=2)[0].detach() input_attention_max = torch.max(input_attention_max, dim=1)[0] # 32 25 avg_out = self.fc_1(input_attention_mean) max_out = self.fc_2(input_attention_max) out = avg_out + max_out input_attention_out = self.sigmoid(out).view(n, 1, 1, self.num_point) input_a = input * input_attention_out input_abs = torch.mean(torch.mean( torch.abs(input_a), dim=2), dim=1).detach() input_abs = input_abs / torch.sum(input_abs) * input_abs.numel() gamma = 0.024 M_seed = torch.bernoulli(torch.clamp( input_abs * gamma, min=0, max=1.0)).to(device=input.device, dtype=input.dtype) M = torch.matmul(M_seed, A) M[M > 0.001] = 1.0 M[M < 0.5] = 0.0 mask = (1 - M).view(n, 1, 1, self.num_point) return input * mask * mask.numel() / mask.sum()
在前向传播方法中,首先根据输入的keep_prob值判断是否需要执行DropBlock操作,如果不需要则直接返回输入。接着,获取输入张量的形状,并计算出输入张量的均值和最大值。通过两个全连接网络层对均值和最大值进行处理,将处理结果相加得到out。然后,使用Sigmoid激活函数对out进行处理,得到一个形状为(n, 1, 1, num_point)的张量input_attention_out。将input_attention_out与输入张量input相乘得到input_a。
-webkit-line-clamp: 1;
This is a CSS property that is used to limit the number of lines of text that are displayed within a block-level element.
In this case, the value "1" specifies that only one line of text will be displayed, and any additional text will be truncated with an ellipsis (...) to indicate that there is more content that is not currently visible.
This property is commonly used in situations where there is limited space available for displaying text, such as in a navigation menu or a product listing. By limiting the number of lines, the design can remain clean and uncluttered while still providing enough information for the user to understand the content.