module led( input wire sys_clk,//System differential clock 即与顶层不同名字的clk,但还是从顶层导入的 input rst_n,//system reset output led //output led ); parameter MAX=12'd2399; reg [11:0]x; reg [6:0]M; reg [6:0]N; reg a; reg b; initial begin x<=12'd0; M<=7'd0; N<=7'd0; a<=1'b0; b<=1'b0; end always @(posedge sys_clk) begin if(x>=MAX)begin x<=12'd0; if(M>=99)begin M<=7'd0; if(N>=99)begin N<=7'd0; a<=~a; end else begin N<=N+1'd1; end end else begin M<=M+1'd1; end end else begin x<=x+1'd1; end if(M<N&&a==0||M>N&&a==1)begin b<=1; end else begin b<=0; end end assign led=b; endmodule
时间: 2023-06-26 14:10:20 浏览: 140
这是一个 Verilog HDL 语言编写的 LED 控制模块,它包含一个输入时钟信号 sys_clk,一个输入复位信号 rst_n,以及一个输出 LED 灯的信号 led。
该模块使用了 parameter 关键字定义了一个名为 MAX 的参数,值为 12'd2399。在初始状态下,将 x、M、N、a、b 这五个寄存器的值都设为 0。
该模块使用了 always @(posedge sys_clk) begin ... end 的语句块来描述时钟上升沿的行为。当 x 大于等于 MAX 时,将 x 设为 0,并在 M 大于等于 99 时将其设为 0,同时在 N 大于等于 99 时将其设为 0,并且将 a 取反。当 x 小于 MAX 且 M 小于 N 且 a 为 0,或者 x 小于 MAX 且 M 大于 N 且 a 为 1 时,将 b 设为 1,否则将 b 设为 0。
最后使用 assign 关键字将 b 赋值给输出信号 led,从而控制 LED 灯的亮灭。
OBUFDS_inst O pin is not connected to a top-level port.
The error message you are seeing indicates that the output pin "O" of an OBUFDS (Differential Output Buffer) instance in your design is not connected to a top-level port.
To fix this error, you need to make sure that the output pin "O" is connected to a top-level port in your design. You can do this by either adding a new top-level port and connecting it to the output pin "O", or by connecting the output pin "O" to an existing top-level port.
Here is an example of how to connect an OBUFDS output pin to a top-level port in Verilog:
module my_design (
// Top-level ports
input clk,
input rst,
output diff_out_p,
output diff_out_n
// Instantiate OBUFDS instance
OBUFDS_inst my_bufds (
// Other logic in the module
In this example, the output pins "O" and "OB" of the OBUFDS instance are connected to the top-level ports "diff_out_p" and "diff_out_n", respectively. Make sure to replace "my_input_signal" with the signal you want to buffer.