时间: 2024-01-02 14:04:43 浏览: 311
'Log files: C:\Users\51288\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2023-05-23T15_29_28_438Z-debug-0.log # npm resolution error report While resolving: @vue/eslint-config-standard@6.1.0 Found: eslint-plugin-vue@8.7.1 node_modules/eslint-plugin-vue dev eslint-plugin-vue@"^8.7.1" from the root project peer eslint-plugin-vue@"^8.0.1" from @vue/eslint-config-typescript@9.1.0 node_modules/@vue/eslint-config-typescript dev @vue/eslint-config-typescript@"^9.1.0" from the root project Could not resolve dependency: peer eslint-plugin-vue@"^7.0.0" from @vue/eslint-config-standard@6.1.0 node_modules/@vue/eslint-config-standard dev @vue/eslint-config-standard@"^6.1.0" from the root project Conflicting peer dependency: eslint-plugin-vue@7.20.0 node_modules/eslint-plugin-vue peer eslint-plugin-vue@"^7.0.0" from @vue/eslint-config-standard@6.1.0 node_modules/@vue/eslint-config-standard dev @vue/eslint-config-standard@"^6.1.0" from the root project Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
这个报错是由于你的项目中有两个不兼容的版本的 eslint-plugin-vue 导致的。一个是 8.7.1,另一个是 7.20.0。你需要解决这个冲突,要么升级或降级其中一个依赖项,要么使用 `--force` 或 `--legacy-peer-deps` 命令来强制安装不兼容的依赖项。但是要注意,使用这些选项可能导致项目出现问题,所以最好还是解决依赖项冲突。
vue3中安装axios出现以下错误npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE could not resolve npm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: @vue/eslint-config-standard@6.1.0 npm ERR! Found: eslint-plugin-vue@8.7.1 npm ERR! node_modules/eslint-plugin-vue npm ERR! dev eslint-plugin-vue@"^8.0.3" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency: npm ERR! peer eslint-plugin-vue@"^7.0.0" from @vue/eslint-config-standard@6.1.0 npm ERR! node_modules/@vue/eslint-config-standard npm ERR! dev @vue/eslint-config-standard@"^6.1.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Conflicting peer dependency: eslint-plugin-vue@7.20.0 npm ERR! node_modules/eslint-plugin-vue npm ERR! peer eslint-plugin-vue@"^7.0.0" from @vue/eslint-config-standard@6.1.0 npm ERR! node_modules/@vue/eslint-config-standard npm ERR! dev @vue/eslint-config-standard@"^6.1.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. npm ERR! npm ERR! See C:\Users\hua'wei\AppData\Local\npm-cache\eresolve-report.txt for a full report. npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
这个错误可能是由于依赖项版本不兼容所致。您可以尝试使用以下命令来安装 Axios:
npm install axios --legacy-peer-deps
`--legacy-peer-deps` 标志可以强制 npm 安装兼容版本的依赖项。如果这不起作用,您可以尝试清除 npm 缓存并重新安装 Axios:
npm cache clean --force
npm install axios
如果您仍然遇到问题,请查看 `C:\Users\hua'wei\AppData\Local\npm-cache\eresolve-report.txt` 文件,以获取更多详细信息。