用汇编语言完成如下编写:将 AX 寄存器中的数据按位平均切分成 4 组,并以组为单位进行前后位置对调存放在BX寄存器中,如AX=4321H,位置对调后BX存放的数据为1234H;AX=9876H,对调后BX存放的数据为6789H。
时间: 2025-01-04 11:42:21 浏览: 8
section .data
AX_example db 4321H, 0 ; 4321H in AX register
BX_example db 9876H, 0 ; 9876H in AX register
section .bss
temp dw 0 ; Temporary storage for bit shifting
section .text
global _start
mov ax, AX_example[0] ; Load AX with first example
call swap4bits
mov bx, ax ; Store result in BX
mov ax, AX_example[1] ; Load AX with second example
call swap4bits
mov bx, ax ; Store result in BX again
; Print the results
mov ah, 0x0E ; BIOS video services function for displaying a character
mov dl, byte [bx]
int 0x10 ; Call BIOS interrupt to print the value
; Repeat for the second example
; ...
push ax ; Save AX on stack
mov ax, temp ; Move AX to temp for shifting
and ax, 0x0F ; Mask off all but last 4 bits
xchg ax, cl ; Swap with CL (register for shifting amount)
; Shift AX right by the stored amount (CL) and store it back
shr ax, cl
mov temp, ax ; Save shifted value
; Shift remaining bits left and combine them with the shifted ones
mov al, ah
shl al, cl
or ax, temp
pop ax ; Restore original AX
ret ; Return from function
; Padding bytes for alignment
align 16, db 0