linux redis 安全检查脚本
时间: 2023-11-19 15:04:33 浏览: 83
以下是一个简单的 Linux Redis 安全检查脚本,它可以帮助你检查 Redis 的安全设置,以确保你的 Redis 服务器不会受到攻击:
REDIS_CLI=`which redis-cli`
# Check Redis version
redis_version=`$REDIS_CLI info server | grep -oP "redis_version:\K[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"`
echo "Redis version: $redis_version"
# Check if Redis is running as root
redis_user=`ps -ef | grep redis-server | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
if [[ "$redis_user" = "root" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Redis is running as root."
# Check if Redis is password-protected
redis_password=`$REDIS_CLI config get requirepass | tail -n 1`
if [[ "$redis_password" = "\"\"" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Redis is not password-protected."
# Check if Redis is configured to bind to a specific IP address
redis_bind=`$REDIS_CLI config get bind | tail -n 1`
if [[ "$redis_bind" = "\"\"" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Redis is only listening on the loopback interface ("
# Check if Redis is configured to allow remote connections
redis_disable_remote=`$REDIS_CLI config get protected-mode | tail -n 1`
if [[ "$redis_disable_remote" = "yes" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Redis is configured to disable remote connections."
# Check if Redis is configured to have keys with an expiration time
redis_expire=`$REDIS_CLI config get noeviction | tail -n 1`
if [[ "$redis_expire" = "no" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Redis is configured to allow keys to never expire."
1. 将上面的脚本保存为一个文件,例如 ``。
2. 将脚本文件复制到 Redis 服务器上。
3. 执行以下命令使脚本文件可执行:
chmod +x
4. 运行脚本:
脚本将输出 Redis 的版本号以及可能存在的安全问题。根据输出,你可以采取适当的措施来加强 Redis 服务器的安全性。