opencvsharp 分块并行计算找直线边编写函数,参数从白到黑 从左到右
时间: 2023-08-10 14:09:31 浏览: 192
以下是一个基于 OpenCVSharp 的分块并行计算找直线边的函数:
public static void FindEdges(Mat image, int numBlocks, int threshold, bool horizontal, out List<int> edgePositions)
// Calculate block size
int blockSize = image.Height / numBlocks;
// Initialize list to store edge positions
edgePositions = new List<int>();
// Loop through each block
Parallel.For(0, numBlocks, i =>
// Calculate block boundaries
int startY = i * blockSize;
int endY = startY + blockSize;
if (i == numBlocks - 1)
endY = image.Height;
// Initialize variables for edge detection
int prevPixel = 0;
int pixelDiff = 0;
bool foundEdge = false;
// Loop through each pixel in the block
for (int y = startY; y < endY; y++)
int startX = horizontal ? 0 : y;
int endX = horizontal ? image.Width : y + 1;
for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
// Get the pixel value
int pixelValue = (int)image.At<byte>(y, x);
// Calculate the difference between the current pixel and the previous pixel
pixelDiff = pixelValue - prevPixel;
// Check if the difference exceeds the threshold, and if so, mark the edge and add it to the list
if (!foundEdge && pixelDiff > threshold)
foundEdge = true;
edgePositions.Add(horizontal ? x : y);
// Update the previous pixel value
prevPixel = pixelValue;
// Sort the edge positions in ascending order
该函数接受一个二进制图像 `image`,将其分成 `numBlocks` 个块,然后在每个块中查找直线边(水平或垂直),并将找到的边界位置存储在 `edgePositions` 列表中。
参数 `threshold` 用于指定像素值之间的最小差异,以便将其视为直线边。参数 `horizontal` 用于指定是否查找水平直线边。如果为 `true`,则查找水平直线边,否则查找垂直直线边。
请注意,该函数使用了 OpenCVSharp 库。如果您还没有安装该库,请先安装它。