matlab getcursorinfo
时间: 2023-11-02 07:39:31 浏览: 135
getcursorinfo is a function in MATLAB that retrieves information about the current cursor position in a figure or axes. It can be used to get the coordinates of the cursor, the data point closest to the cursor, or other properties of the current cursor position.
info = getcursorinfo(h)
where h is the handle to a figure or axes object.
To get the x and y coordinates of the cursor position in the current axes, you can use the following code:
h = gca;
function info = getCursorInfo(h)
c = get(h,'CurrentPoint');
info = sprintf('x=%g, y=%g',c(1,1),c(1,2));
This code sets the ButtonDownFcn property of the current axes to a function handle that calls getCursorInfo when the user clicks on the axes. The getCursorInfo function retrieves the current cursor position using the CurrentPoint property of the axes and formats it as a string. The string is then displayed using the disp function.
Note that the getcursorinfo function is only available in MATLAB's Image Processing Toolbox.