added 24 packages in 3s 3 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details
时间: 2024-09-03 09:02:44 浏览: 106
这是一个Node.js包管理器(npm)的提示信息。当你在短时间内安装了24个新的npm包,并且有3个包正在寻求资金支持时,它会显示这个消息。"added" 表示这些包已经被成功安装到项目中,"3s" 指的是整个过程大约花费了三秒的时间完成。
"3 packages are looking for funding" 提醒用户,这三个包的开发者正在进行资金众筹,如果对这些包有贡献意愿,可以运行 `npm fund` 命令获取详细的资助信息和支持说明。
added 20 packages in 3s 3 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details
It appears that you've recently installed or updated your Node.js package dependencies, with a total of 20 packages being added in a span of 3 seconds. This is typically a result of running the `npm install` command, which installs the necessary packages for your project.
Notably, there are also 3 packages that are currently seeking financial support. If you're interested in contributing or learning more about these sponsored packages, you can use the command `npm fund` to view detailed information about how to support them.
Here are some related questions:
1. How does `npm install` handle dependencies and their version management?
2. What are the benefits of using sponsored packages, and how do they contribute to open-source projects?
3. Can I choose which sponsored packages to support when installing with `npm fund`?
added 20 packages in 3s 3 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details
你在终端中看到的信息表明,在三秒钟内成功添加了20个npm包(Node Package Manager)到项目中。通常,当您执行`npm install`或类似的命令来安装依赖时,会显示这样的结果。"3 packages are looking for funding"表示有三个包正在寻求资金支持,可能是为了资助项目的持续开发或其他目的。
如果你对这些包感兴趣并想支持它们,你可以运行`npm fund`这条指令获取更详细的资助信息和如何提供帮助的方式。
1. 如何查看这些寻找资金的包的具体信息?
2. 安装包时为何会有部分包提示资金需求?
3. 在npm中除了常规安装,还有哪些操作可以帮助开发者?