ant design library 下载
时间: 2023-05-03 10:03:52 浏览: 141
Ant Design 是一套专为中后台系统设计的UI组件库,它所提供的组件丰富而强大,由阿里巴巴集团出品,得到了广泛的应用和认可,在业内拥有良好的口碑。为了使用 Ant Design 组件库,我们需要下载 Ant Design 的相关资源。
Ant Design 的下载方式主要有两种:npm和CDN。如果你使用 npm,可以在命令行中输入 npm install antd 进行安装。如果你使用CDN,可以在 HTML 页面中引入相应的 CSS 和 JavaScript 文件。
下载完成后,我们需要将 Ant Design 组件库引入我们的项目中。方式也有两种:全局引入和按需引入。全局引入方式将会导致打包后的文件非常大,因为使用了所有的 Ant Design 组件,而按需引入则可以根据项目需要,只引入需要的组件。按需引入需要使用 babel-plugin-import 这个插件,它可以将按需引入的方式转换成原始的全局引入方式。
除了官方提供的资源,Ant Design 还提供了丰富的文档和例子,包括但不限于组件使用、配色方案、主题定制等方面的内容。开发人员可以根据自己的实际需求,灵活使用和个性化定制,以最佳方式发挥 Ant Design 的优势,为项目开发和维护带来更完美的体验和效果。
Ant Design
Ant Design is a UI library or framework for building web applications. It is based on the React JavaScript library and provides a variety of pre-built components and design patterns for creating modern and responsive user interfaces. Ant Design includes components for layout, forms, navigation, data visualization, and more. It also provides a set of guidelines and principles for creating consistent and accessible designs. Ant Design is widely used in the development of enterprise-level applications and has a strong community of contributors and supporters.
ant design pro
Ant Design Pro is a front-end development framework that is built on top of the Ant Design library. It provides a set of pre-built components and templates to help developers quickly build beautiful and responsive web applications. Ant Design Pro also includes a powerful CLI tool for scaffolding and managing projects, and supports a wide range of front-end technologies and frameworks, including React, Vue, Angular, and more. Additionally, Ant Design Pro offers a range of enterprise-level features, such as internationalization, accessibility, and security, making it an ideal choice for building large-scale and complex web applications.