下面这个代码报错了,应该怎么改: %%Matlab Genetic Algorithm for Sin Prediction clear; clc; %population size Npop=50; %create the population Pop=rand(Npop,1)*2*pi; %define fitness fit=@(x) sin(x); %fitness score score=fit(Pop); %maximum number of generations maxgen=100; %weights w=0.7; %probability p_crossover=0.9; p_mutation=0.2; %loop for number of generations for gen=1:maxgen %ranking %rank the population in descending order [~,rank]=sort(score); %rank the population in ascending order rank=flipud(rank); %normalised rank NormalisedRank=rank/sum(rank); %selection %cumulative sum of the normalised rank cumulativeSum=cumsum(NormalisedRank); %randomly select the two parents %from the populations based on their %normalised rank randnum=rand; parent1=find(cumulativeSum>randnum,1); randnum=rand; parent2=find(cumulativeSum>randnum,1); %crossover %randomly select the crossover point pc=randi([1 Npop-1]); %create the offsprings offspring1=[Pop(parent1,1:pc) Pop(parent2,pc+1:end)]; offspring2=[Pop(parent2,1:pc) Pop(parent1,pc+1:end)]; %perform crossover with a probability if(rand<p_crossover) Pop=[Pop; offspring1; offspring2]; end %mutation %randomly select the point of mutation pm=randi([1 Npop]); %mutate the value under the chosen point Pop(pm)=rand*2*pi; %perform mutation with a probability if (rand<p_mutation) Pop(pm)=rand*2*pi; end %evaluate new population score=fit(Pop); %elitism %sort the population in ascending order %of their fitness score [score,rank]=sort(score); elite=Pop(rank(1),:); Pop(rank(Npop),:)=elite; %replace old population Pop=Pop(1:Npop,:); end %print the best solution disp('Best Solution: '); disp(elite);
时间: 2023-02-09 19:08:46 浏览: 129
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