时间: 2024-02-29 17:53:16 浏览: 34
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Block { // 内存块结构体
int start_addr; // 起始地址
int size; // 大小
bool free; // 是否空闲
vector<Block> blocks = { // 内存块链表
{ 100, 60, true },
{ 240, 120, true },
{ 500, 100, true },
{ 760, 80, true },
{ 960, 40, true }
void display() { // 显示内存状况
int cur_addr = 0;
for (auto& block : blocks) {
cout << "addr: " << cur_addr << " -> " << block.start_addr - 1 << " ";
if (block.free) {
cout << "free" << endl;
} else {
cout << "occupied" << endl;
cur_addr = block.start_addr + block.size;
cout << "addr: " << cur_addr << " -> " << "999" << " ";
cout << "not available" << endl;
void allocate(int size) { // 分配内存
auto best_block = blocks.end();
int best_size = 1000;
for (auto it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it) {
if (it->free && it->size >= size && it->size < best_size) {
best_block = it;
best_size = it->size;
if (best_block == blocks.end()) {
cout << "Error: Out of memory." << endl;
} else {
best_block->free = false;
if (best_block->size > size) {
auto new_block = *best_block;
new_block.start_addr += size;
new_block.size -= size;
best_block->size = size;
blocks.insert(best_block + 1, new_block);
cout << "Allocation success: " << best_block->start_addr << " -> "
<< best_block->start_addr + best_block->size - 1 << endl;
void deallocate(int start_addr) { // 回收内存
auto it = blocks.begin();
while (it != blocks.end() && it->start_addr != start_addr) ++it;
if (it == blocks.end()) {
cout << "Error: Invalid start address." << endl;
} else if (it->free) {
cout << "Error: The block is already free." << endl;
} else {
it->free = true;
auto next_it = it + 1;
if (next_it != blocks.end() && next_it->free) {
it->size += next_it->size;
auto prev_it = it - 1;
if (it != blocks.begin() && prev_it->free) {
prev_it->size += it->size;
cout << "Deallocation success." << endl;
int main() {
while (true) {
cout << "Enter command (a: allocate, d: deallocate, q: quit): ";
char cmd;
cin >> cmd;
if (cmd == 'a') {
cout << "Enter size to allocate: ";
int size;
cin >> size;
} else if (cmd == 'd') {
cout << "Enter start address to deallocate: ";
int start_addr;
cin >> start_addr;
} else if (cmd == 'q') {
} else {
cout << "Unknown command." << endl;
return 0;
这段代码使用了链表来维护内存块,每个内存块有起始地址、大小和是否空闲三个属性。`display()` 函数负责显示当前内存状况,`allocate()` 函数实现最佳适应算法进行内存分配,`deallocate()` 函数实现内存回收。程序通过不断循环,等待用户输入命令。用户可选择分配内存、回收内存或退出程序。