word vba打开文档自动运行添加右键菜单
时间: 2023-07-30 18:05:06 浏览: 350
Private Sub Document_Open()
Call AddContextMenu
End Sub
Sub AddContextMenu()
Dim CBar As CommandBar
Dim CBarBtn As CommandBarButton
Set CBar = Application.CommandBars("Text")
For Each CBarBtn In CBar.Controls
If CBarBtn.Caption = "自定义菜单项" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set CBarBtn = CBar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
With CBarBtn
.Caption = "自定义菜单项"
.OnAction = "CustomMenuItemAction"
End With
End Sub
Sub CustomMenuItemAction()
MsgBox "你点击了自定义菜单项!"
End Sub
将以上代码复制到 Word VBA 编辑器中,保存为宏(.dotm)文件。然后打开你想要添加右键菜单项的 Word 文档,在文档打开时自动运行该宏即可实现添加右键菜单项的功能。