vuex-persistedstate 在vuex中如何使用
要在 Vuex 中使用 vuex-persistedstate
npm install vuex-persistedstate
然后在 Vuex store 中引入它:
import createPersistedState from 'vuex-persistedstate'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
// ...
plugins: [createPersistedState()]
现在,你的 Vuex store 中的状态将会在页面刷新后自动被保存和恢复。你也可以传递一些选项来自定义插件的行为,例如设置存储的键名:
plugins: [
key: 'my-app',
plugins: [
key: 'my-app',
paths: ['user', 'preferences']
这将只持久化 user
和 preferences
b'vuex-persistedstate' 是一个用于将 Vuex 状态持久化的插件。它可以将 Vuex 中的状态存储到本地存储或 cookie 中,使得用户在刷新页面或关闭浏览器后,状态仍然可以被保留。这个插件非常适合用来存储用户偏好设置或购物车等需要持久化的数据。使用 b'vuex-persistedstate' 插件可以提高应用程序的用户体验和可用性。
Vuex-persistedstate is a plugin for Vuex, a state management library for Vue.js. This plugin allows you to persist your Vuex store data to the browser's local storage or session storage, so that your data is not lost when the user refreshes or navigates away from the page.
By using Vuex-persistedstate, you can easily save and load your Vuex store data, and maintain the state of your application across page refreshes and navigations. This can be useful for applications that require user authentication, or for applications that need to remember user preferences and settings.
Vuex-persistedstate is easy to use and can be installed using NPM or Yarn. Once installed, you can configure it to save your Vuex store data to the local storage or session storage, and specify which parts of your store should be persisted.
Overall, Vuex-persistedstate is a useful tool for Vue.js developers who want to maintain the state of their applications across page refreshes and navigations.