/** * \brief We set the slot functions. * * \param tv Pointer to the TV to set the slot function for. * \param name Name of the slot variant. * \param fn_p Pointer to a custom slot function. Used only if slot variant * "name" is "custom". * * \retval TmEcode TM_ECODE_OK on success; TM_ECODE_FAILED on failure. 这是suricata的注释
时间: 2024-01-24 15:19:50 浏览: 79
分析下列程序的运行namespace nav_core { /** * @class BaseLocalPlanner * @brief Provides an interface for local planners used in navigation. All local planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. / class BaseLocalPlanner{ public: /* * @brief Given the current position, orientation, and velocity of the robot, compute velocity commands to send to the base * @param cmd_vel Will be filled with the velocity command to be passed to the robot base * @return True if a valid velocity command was found, false otherwise / virtual bool computeVelocityCommands(geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_vel) = 0; /* * @brief Check if the goal pose has been achieved by the local planner * @return True if achieved, false otherwise / virtual bool isGoalReached() = 0; /* * @brief Set the plan that the local planner is following * @param plan The plan to pass to the local planner * @return True if the plan was updated successfully, false otherwise / virtual bool setPlan(const std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0; /* * @brief Constructs the local planner * @param name The name to give this instance of the local planner * @param tf A pointer to a transform listener * @param costmap_ros The cost map to use for assigning costs to local plans / virtual void initialize(std::string name, tf2_ros::Buffer tf, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS* costmap_ros) = 0; /** * @brief Virtual destructor for the interface */ virtual ~BaseLocalPlanner(){} protected: BaseLocalPlanner(){} }; }; // namespace nav_core #endif // NAV_CORE_BASE_LOCAL_PLANNER_H
这是一个 C++ 程序,定义了一个命名空间 nav_core,其中包含了一个类 BaseLocalPlanner,该类提供了用于导航中本地规划器的接口。所有作为导航栈插件编写的本地规划器都必须遵守此接口。
1. computeVelocityCommands: 根据机器人的当前位置、方向和速度计算速度命令,并将其填充到 cmd_vel 中。
2. isGoalReached: 检查本地规划器是否已经到达目标位姿。
3. setPlan: 设置本地规划器要遵循的路径。
4. initialize: 构造本地规划器,并初始化其参数。
给下列程序添加英文注释:namespace nav_core { /** * @class BaseGlobalPlanner * @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation. All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface. / class BaseGlobalPlanner{ public: /* * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise / virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0; /* * @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan * @param start The start pose * @param goal The goal pose * @param plan The plan... filled by the planner * @param cost The plans calculated cost * @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise / virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, double& cost) { cost = 0; return makePlan(start, goal, plan); } /* * @brief Initialization function for the BaseGlobalPlanner * @param name The name of this planner * @param costmap_ros A pointer to the ROS wrapper of the costmap to use for planning / virtual void initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS costmap_ros) = 0; /** * @brief Virtual destructor for the interface */ virtual ~BaseGlobalPlanner(){} protected: BaseGlobalPlanner(){} }; }; // namespace nav_core #endif // NAV_CORE_BASE_GLOBAL_PLANNER_H
* @file base_global_planner.h
* @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation.
* All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface.
namespace nav_core {
* @class BaseGlobalPlanner
* @brief Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation.
* All global planners written as plugins for the navigation stack must adhere to this interface.
class BaseGlobalPlanner{
* @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan
* @param start The start pose
* @param goal The goal pose
* @param plan The plan... filled by the planner
* @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise
virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan) = 0;
* @brief Given a goal pose in the world, compute a plan
* @param start The start pose
* @param goal The goal pose
* @param plan The plan... filled by the planner
* @param cost The plans calculated cost
* @return True if a valid plan was found, false otherwise
virtual bool makePlan(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& start, const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& goal, std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>& plan, double& cost) {
cost = 0;
return makePlan(start, goal, plan);
* @brief Initialization function for the BaseGlobalPlanner
* @param name The name of this planner
* @param costmap_ros A pointer to the ROS wrapper of the costmap to use for planning
virtual void initialize(std::string name, costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS costmap_ros) = 0;
* @brief Virtual destructor for the interface
virtual ~BaseGlobalPlanner(){}
}; // namespace nav_core