bullseye 如何修改分辨率
时间: 2024-05-16 17:15:52 浏览: 148
Bullseye是Debian Linux的一个发行版,如果您想在Bullseye中修改分辨率,则可以按照以下步骤进行操作:
1. 打开终端并输入以下命令以编辑xorg.conf文件:
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
2. 在文件中找到“Section”标记为“Screen”,并添加以下行:
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1920x1080" "1280x720" "1024x768"
3. 保存并关闭文件,然后重新启动X服务器以使更改生效:
sudo service gdm restart
4. 您现在可以在系统设置或显示设置中选择新分辨率。
请注意,以上步骤可能因您的系统配置而略有不同。如果您遇到任何问题,请参考Debian Bullseye的官方文档或在论坛中寻求帮助。
debian bullseye
Debian Bullseye is the codename for the upcoming Debian 11 release, which is currently in the testing phase. It is expected to be released in late 2021 or early 2022. Bullseye will include updated software packages and new features, including GNOME 3.38, Linux kernel 5.10, and Python 3.9. It will also have improved security features and better support for newer hardware. Debian is a popular Linux distribution known for its stability, security, and large community of users and developers.
1. 打开终端并以管理员身份运行。
2. 执行以下命令备份原始源列表:
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak
3. 用编辑器打开源列表文件:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
4. 将文件中的所有内容删除并用以下内容替换:
deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free
deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian-security bullseye-security main
deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian-security bullseye-security main
deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free
deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye-backports main contrib non-free
5. 按下 "Ctrl + X" 保存并退出编辑器。
6. 更新源列表:
sudo apt update
7. 完成,现在你的Bullseye系统已经更改为国内镜像源。