dispatcher servlet
时间: 2023-05-04 10:01:02 浏览: 172
dispatcher servlet是一个Spring框架中的组件,用于处理前端请求并调度适当的后端处理程序。它是一个Servlet,可以接收HTTP请求并根据请求URL将请求分派到适当的处理程序。通常,它在web.xml文件中配置为应用程序的前端控制器。它的作用是负责将请求分发到不同的处理程序,然后收集结果并返回给客户端。
dispatcher servlet是什么
DispatcherServlet是Spring MVC中的核心组件之一,它是一个Servlet,负责接收来自客户端的HTTP请求,并将请求分发给对应的处理程序。它通过控制器(Controller)来处理请求,并将处理结果返回给客户端。DispatcherServlet还负责处理异常、拦截器、视图解析器等其他功能,是整个Spring MVC框架的核心。
You are creating a Web application for booking hotel rooms online. You are using Spring to create this application. When a user accesses the BookRoom.htm Web page of this application, the dispatcher servlet needs to forward the request for accessing this Web page to the BookRoomController class defined in the controller package. For this, you need to map the URL, /BookRoom.htm, with the BookRoomController class. Which of the following code snippets should you use to implement this functionality?
To map the URL `/BookRoom.htm` with the `BookRoomController` class, you should use the `@RequestMapping` annotation in the controller class. Here is an example of how to do this:
public class BookRoomController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/BookRoom.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView showBookRoomPage() {
// code to show the BookRoom page
return new ModelAndView("bookRoomPage");
// other methods for handling form submissions, etc.
In this example, the `@RequestMapping` annotation is used to map the URL `/BookRoom.htm` to the `showBookRoomPage()` method of the `BookRoomController` class. The `method` attribute specifies that this mapping is for HTTP GET requests only. The method returns a `ModelAndView` object that specifies the view name (`bookRoomPage`) to be rendered by the dispatcher servlet.