unsupervised degradation representation learning for blind super-resolution
时间: 2023-04-24 18:05:59 浏览: 241
1. 数据预处理:收集一些低分辨率图像,并通过一些退化模型生成对应的高分辨率图像。这些图像对被用于训练模型。
2. 特征提取:使用深度学习模型,如卷积神经网络,从低分辨率图像中提取特征。
3. 退化模型学习:使用生成对抗网络(GAN)或变分自编码器(VAE)等方法,学习低分辨率图像的退化模型。
4. 重建网络学习:通过学习低分辨率图像和其对应的退化模型,训练重建网络来实现超分辨率重建。
Feature Representation Learning for Unsupervised Cross-domain Image Retrieval
Feature representation learning for unsupervised cross-domain image retrieval refers to the process of extracting meaningful features from images in one domain (e.g., paintings) and using those features to retrieve similar images in another domain (e.g., photographs). This is typically done in an unsupervised manner, meaning that no explicit labels or annotations are provided to guide the learning process.
One common approach to unsupervised feature representation learning is to use deep neural networks, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to extract high-level features from images. These features can then be used to train a retrieval model that maps images from one domain to the other based on their similarity in feature space.
There are several challenges to unsupervised cross-domain image retrieval, including differences in image content, style, and quality between domains. To address these challenges, researchers have developed a variety of techniques, such as domain adaptation, data augmentation, and adversarial training, to improve the performance of feature representation learning for cross-domain image retrieval.
Overall, feature representation learning for unsupervised cross-domain image retrieval is an important area of research with many potential applications, including art history, fashion, and product recommendation.
MG-BERT: leveraging unsupervised atomic representation learning for molecular property prediction预训练策略
1. 原子嵌入:使用晶体学数据库(CSD)中的晶体结构数据,从中提取原子坐标并将其转换为原子嵌入表示。
2. 无监督原子表示学习:使用Transformer编码器,对原子嵌入进行无监督的原子表示学习。通过掩码语言建模任务(MLM)和下一句预测任务(NSP)来训练模型。
3. 有监督分子属性预测:使用已知的分子属性数据集,对MG-BERT进行有监督的微调。