unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command-environment-cd"D: 东北大学 我爱学习? Blue CuplWHU"".D:东北大学 我爱学3?\Blue Cup WHU: No such file or directory.
时间: 2024-04-10 20:29:06 浏览: 204
It seems like you are encountering an error message related to starting the debugging process. The error message suggests that the specified directory "D: 东北大学 我爱学习? Blue CuplWHU" or "D:东北大学 我爱学3?\Blue Cup WHU" does not exist.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Double-check the specified directory path to ensure it is correct and exists on your system.
2. Verify that you have the necessary permissions to access the directory.
3. If the directory path contains special characters or non-ASCII characters, try renaming the directory or specifying a different path without those characters.
4. If the directory is located on an external or network drive, make sure it is properly connected and accessible.
5. Ensure that the debugging environment or IDE you are using is properly configured and set up to work with the specified directory.
If the issue persists, providing more details about your development environment, debugging tool, and the steps you have taken so far can help in identifying the problem more accurately.