R.ok(sysDictItemService.list(Wrappers.<SysDictItem>query().lambda().eq(SysDictItem::getDictType, type))
时间: 2023-12-26 08:07:10 浏览: 44
This code calls the "list" method of the "sysDictItemService" object with a query parameter that specifies to retrieve all "SysDictItem" objects where the "dictType" attribute equals the "type" variable. The query is created using a lambda expression that defines the condition. The result is returned as a list of "SysDictItem" objects.
userIService.list(Wrappers.<Friend>query().eq(Friend::getFriendName,user.getname()))这样写对么 我怎么觉得不对啊
你这样写的话,会报错,因为 `user.getname()` 应该是 `user.getName()`(注意大小写)。
另外,你使用的 `Wrappers` 是 MyBatis Plus 提供的一个查询构造器,用于生成 SQL 语句的 where 条件。`query()` 方法返回的是一个 QueryWrapper 对象,而不是一个 LambdaQueryWrapper 对象,所以你需要使用 `lambda()` 方法将其转换为 LambdaQueryWrapper 对象,然后再使用 lambda 表达式进行查询条件的构造。
userIService.list(Wrappers.<Friend>lambdaQuery().eq(Friend::getFriendName, user.getName()));
这个代码会查询出 `Friend` 表中所有 `friend_name` 等于 `user` 的名字的记录。
sysDictItemService.list(Wrappers.<SysDictItem>query().lambda().eq(SysDictItem::getDictType, type))
This code is written in Java and is calling a method called "list" from a service class called "sysDictItemService". The parameter being passed to the method is a query wrapper that is filtering the results by a specific "dictType" value.
The "Wrappers" class is part of the MyBatis-Plus library, which is a popular Java persistence framework that provides enhanced query capabilities on top of the standard MyBatis framework.
The lambda expression used in the query wrapper is specifying that the "eq" condition should be applied to the "dictType" property of the "SysDictItem" class, with the value being passed in as the "type" parameter. This will return a list of all the "SysDictItem" objects that match the given criteria.