A car rental company rents out a variety of cars and coaches and its rental rates are calculated on a daily basis. The relevant information of vehicle is shown in the following form. You need to develop a vehicle rental system according to the following requirements. (1) Design a simple console interactive interface to provide users with the related information about this vehicle rental system including vehicle models, specific information, daily rent and discount information so that the user can make further choices. (2) After understanding the relevant information, the user can input the relevant information of the vehicle which he or she wants to rent through the console program. (3) The program calculates the rent that the user needs to pay and informs the user through the console program. (4) You need to deal with the illegal information input by users through the console with some rules and prompt the corresponding error reason.For example, the user cannot input a negative value for the number of parking days.You need to consider as many misinput cases as possible. Please submit program code and the screenshot of the program output in the answer

时间: 2024-03-24 08:41:20 浏览: 16
I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I am not able to submit program code or screenshots of program output. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to approach this problem. To develop a vehicle rental system, you can use a programming language like Python and create a console-based interface using the built-in input and print functions. Here is a general outline of how you can implement the system: 1. Create a list of vehicle models with their specific information (e.g., brand, model, seating capacity, fuel type, etc.), daily rent, and discount information (e.g., 10% off for renting more than 7 days). 2. Display the list of vehicle models and their information to the user using the print function. 3. Prompt the user to input the model of the vehicle they want to rent, as well as the number of days they want to rent it for, using the input function. 4. Validate the input to ensure that the user has entered a valid model and a positive number of days. If the input is invalid, display an error message and prompt the user to input again. 5. Calculate the rent based on the daily rent and any applicable discounts, and display the total rent to the user using the print function. 6. End the program. Here is some example code to get you started: ``` # Define the list of vehicle models and their information vehicles = [ { 'model': 'Sedan', 'info': 'Brand: Honda | Model: Civic | Seating Capacity: 5 | Fuel Type: Gasoline', 'daily_rent': 50, 'discount': 0.1 }, { 'model': 'SUV', 'info': 'Brand: Toyota | Model: RAV4 | Seating Capacity: 7 | Fuel Type: Gasoline', 'daily_rent': 70, 'discount': 0.15 }, { 'model': 'Coach', 'info': 'Brand: Mercedes | Model: Tourismo | Seating Capacity: 50 | Fuel Type: Diesel', 'daily_rent': 300, 'discount': 0.2 } ] # Display the list of vehicle models and their information print('Available Vehicles:') for vehicle in vehicles: print(vehicle['model']) print(vehicle['info']) print('Daily Rent:', vehicle['daily_rent']) print('Discount:', vehicle['discount']) print() # Prompt the user to input the model and number of days model = input('Enter the model of the vehicle you want to rent: ') days = input('Enter the number of days you want to rent it for: ') # Validate the input valid_input = False while not valid_input: try: days = int(days) if days <= 0: print('Error: Number of days must be positive') else: for vehicle in vehicles: if vehicle['model'] == model: rent = vehicle['daily_rent'] * days * (1 - vehicle['discount']) print('Total Rent:', rent) valid_input = True break else: print('Error: Invalid vehicle model') break except ValueError: print('Error: Number of days must be an integer') break ``` This is just a basic example, and you may need to customize it further to meet your specific requirements and handle more edge cases.




数据库实验一 基于Sakila的数据库操作

若已知某个顾客姓名,即可以得知其 customer_id,即可通过 rental 表得到其租 借对应的 inventory_id,并参考 inventory 中的 inventory_id 后通过 inventory 表中 的 film_id 找到 film 表,根据 film_id 找到 ...

Java swing + socket + mysql 五子棋网络对战游戏FiveChess.zip

五子棋游戏想必大家都非常熟悉,游戏规则十分简单。游戏开始后,玩家在游戏设置中选择人机对战,则系统执黑棋,玩家自己执白棋。双方轮流下一棋,先将横、竖或斜线的5个或5个以上同色棋子连成不间断的一排者为胜。 【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【技术】 Java、Python、Node.js、Spring Boot、Django、Express、MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB、React、Angular、Vue、Bootstrap、Material-UI、Redis、Docker、Kubernetes


五子棋游戏想必大家都非常熟悉,游戏规则十分简单。游戏开始后,玩家在游戏设置中选择人机对战,则系统执黑棋,玩家自己执白棋。双方轮流下一棋,先将横、竖或斜线的5个或5个以上同色棋子连成不间断的一排者为胜。 【项目资源】:包含前端、后端、移动开发、操作系统、人工智能、物联网、信息化管理、数据库、硬件开发、大数据、课程资源、音视频、网站开发等各种技术项目的源码。包括STM32、ESP8266、PHP、QT、Linux、iOS、C++、Java、python、web、C#、EDA、proteus、RTOS等项目的源码。 【技术】 Java、Python、Node.js、Spring Boot、Django、Express、MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB、React、Angular、Vue、Bootstrap、Material-UI、Redis、Docker、Kubernetes




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用 Python 画一个可以动的爱心

好的,我可以帮助您使用Python来绘制一个动态的爱心。您可以使用turtle库来实现。以下是实现代码: ```python import turtle import math # 设置画布和画笔 canvas = turtle.Screen() canvas.bgcolor("black") pencil = turtle.Turtle() pencil.speed(0) pencil.color("red", "pink") pencil.pensize(3) # 定义爱心函数 def draw_love(heart_size, x_offset=0, y_offset=0):

JSBSim Reference Manual



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