Imagine you are writing a program to manage a shopping list. Using a vector to hold the shopping list items, write a print function to print out the contents of a vector of strings. Test your print function with a main program that does the following: Create an empty vector. Print it. Append the items, "eggs," "milk," "sugar," "chocolate," and "flour" to the list. Print it. Remove the last element from the vector. Print it. Append the item, "coffee" to the vector. Print it. Write a loop that searches for the item, "sugar" and replace it with "honey." Print the vector. Write a loop that searches for the item, "milk," and then remove it from the vector. Print the vector. Search for the item, "chocolate," and insert the item "tea" before it. Print the vector one more time.

时间: 2024-01-25 20:05:04 浏览: 25
Sure, here's an example program that does what you're asking for: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> void printList(const std::vector<std::string>& list) { for (const auto& item : list) { std::cout << item << std::endl; } } int main() { std::vector<std::string> shoppingList; // Print the empty list std::cout << "Empty list:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); // Add items to the list shoppingList.push_back("eggs"); shoppingList.push_back("milk"); shoppingList.push_back("sugar"); shoppingList.push_back("chocolate"); shoppingList.push_back("flour"); // Print the list with items std::cout << std::endl << "List with items:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); // Remove the last item from the list shoppingList.pop_back(); // Print the updated list std::cout << std::endl << "List with last item removed:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); // Add "coffee" to the list shoppingList.push_back("coffee"); // Print the updated list std::cout << std::endl << "List with coffee added:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); // Replace "sugar" with "honey" for (auto& item : shoppingList) { if (item == "sugar") { item = "honey"; } } // Print the updated list std::cout << std::endl << "List with sugar replaced with honey:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); // Remove "milk" from the list for (auto it = shoppingList.begin(); it != shoppingList.end(); ) { if (*it == "milk") { it = shoppingList.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } // Print the updated list std::cout << std::endl << "List with milk removed:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); // Insert "tea" before "chocolate" for (auto it = shoppingList.begin(); it != shoppingList.end(); ++it) { if (*it == "chocolate") { shoppingList.insert(it, "tea"); break; } } // Print the final list std::cout << std::endl << "Final list with tea added:" << std::endl; printList(shoppingList); return 0; } ``` The output of the program should look like this: ``` Empty list: List with items: eggs milk sugar chocolate flour List with last item removed: eggs milk sugar chocolate List with coffee added: eggs milk sugar chocolate coffee List with sugar replaced with honey: eggs milk honey chocolate coffee List with milk removed: eggs honey chocolate coffee Final list with tea added: eggs honey tea chocolate coffee ```


3)A digital clock consists of a screen to display the time and a dial for setting in turn the year, month, day, hour and minute. Twisting the dial to the left reduces by one the value being changed but twisting it to the right increases it by one. Pushing the dial alters which value is being adjusted. At first, it is the year but after the dial is pushed once, it is the month, then after the dial is pushed again, it is the day and so on. Imagine the clock is represented by a class with attributes year, month, day etc. The following is what the code for a method rotateDialLeft() might look like. public void rotateDialLeft() { if (mode == YEAR_MODE) { year--; } else if (mode == MONTH_MODE) { month--; } else if (mode == DAY_MODE) { day--; } else if (mode == HOUR_MODE) { hour--; } else if (mode == MINUTE_MODE) { minute--; } } The code for rotateDialRight() is similar. Apply the Open-Closed Principle to explain why the above code is unsatisfactory from the design viewpoint, considering the possibility of future change to the code, giving an example of such a change. 5)Give the code required for the classes introduced in question 3), focusing on the code for a method selectState() which changes the value that is being adjusted from years to months. Make it clear in which classes the code is to be found. Assume the existence of other methods that are needed such as getMonthSetUpState(). 8)Suppose that in a multiplayer role-playing game, a class Client has a dependency to an interface Fighter with public methods attack(), defend() and escape(). The game designer now wishes for Client to use a class Wizard with three different but equivalent public methods castDestructionSpell(), shield() and portal(). Explain how it is possible to do this using an appropriate design pattern.

Another example is the SRIOV_NET_VF resource class, which is provided by SRIOV-enabled network interface cards. In the case of multiple SRIOV-enabled NICs on a compute host, different qualitative traits may be tagged to each NIC. For example, the NIC called enp2s0 might have a trait “CUSTOM_PHYSNET_PUBLIC” indicating that the NIC is attached to a physical network called “public”. The NIC enp2s1 might have a trait “CUSTOM_PHYSNET_INTRANET” that indicates the NIC is attached to the physical network called “Intranet”. We need a way of representing that these NICs each provide SRIOV_NET_VF resources but those virtual functions are associated with different physical networks. In the resource providers data modeling, the entity which is associated with qualitative traits is the resource provider object. Therefore, we require a way of representing that the SRIOV-enabled NICs are themselves resource providers with inventories of SRIOV_NET_VF resources. Those resource providers are contained on a compute host which is a resource provider that has inventory records for other types of resources such as VCPU, MEMORY_MB or DISK_GB. This spec proposes that nested resource providers be created to allow for distinguishing details of complex components of some resource providers. During review the question came up about “rolling up” amounts of these nested providers to the root level. Imagine this scenario: I have a NIC with two PFs, each of which has only 1 VF available, and I get a request for 2 VFs without any traits to distinguish them. Since there is no single resource provider that can satisfy this request, it will not select this root provider, even though the root provider “owns” 2 VFs. This spec does not propose any sort of “rolling up” of inventory, but this may be something to consider in the future. If it is an idea that has support, another BP/spec can be created then to add this behavior.

clc; clear all; [filename,pathname]=uigetfile({'*.jpg;*.tif;*.png;*gif','all imagine files';'*.*','all files'},'select your photo'); path=[pathname,filename]; image=imread(path); % axes(; imshow(image);%显示图片 %image processing I=rgb2gray(image); I=rangefilt(I);%滤波 background = imopen(I,strel('disk',11));%使用形态学开来估计背景 I2 = I-background;%从原始图像中减去背景图像 I3 = imadjust(I2);%增强对比度 bw = imbinarize(I3);%阈 值图像 bw = bwareaopen(bw,160);%降噪150,160 bw=edge(bw,'canny'); %边缘检测 %bw=1-bw; % axes(handles.a1); imshow(bw); %se=strel('disk',13);%15 se=strel('square',15);%15 bw1=imclose(bw,se);%闭 bw2=imdilate(bw1,se);%膨胀 bw2=imerode(bw2,se);%腐蚀 bw3=imfill(bw2,'holes'); % axes(handles.a2); imshow(bw3); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %circle detection rmin = 20; rmax = 2500; radiusRange=[rmin rmax]; [center, rad] = imfindcircles(bw3,radiusRange,'EdgeThreshold',0.13);%检测灵敏度(边缘渐变阈值)0.3 display(center); display(rad); % axes(handles.a3); imshow(bw3); viscircles(center, rad,'Color','b'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %initialize the number of coins one=0; half=0; little=0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %coin recognition [m,n]=size(rad); num=m; i=1; j=num; min=rad(i); max=rad(j); while i<=j if rad(i)<rad(j) if rad(i)<min min=rad(i); else if rad(j)<max max=rad(j); end end else if rad(j)<min min=rad(j); else if rad(i)<max max=rad(i); end end end i=i+1; j=j-1; end sum=0; for i=1:num sum=rad(i)+sum; end % ave=(sum-(min+max))/(num-2); ave = sum/num; for i=1:num if 0.6<(rad(i)/ave)&&(rad(i)/ave)<1.5 if rad(i)>ave one=one+1; else if 0.93<(rad(i)/ave) && rad(i)<=ave half=half+1; else little = little+1; end end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %display results sum=half*0.5+one+little*0.1; one half little sum这段代码什么意思



ERDAS IMAGINE 遥感图像处理软件操作教程20200205.pdf

ERDAS IMAGINE是ERDAS公司开发的面向企业级的专业遥感影像处理与地理信息系统软件。它以其先进的图像处理技术,友好、灵活的用户界面和操作方式,面向广阔应用领域的产品模块,服务于不同层次用户的模型开发工具以及...




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![实现实时数据湖架构:Kafka与Hive集成]( # 1. 实时数据湖架构概述** 实时数据湖是一种现代数据管理架构,它允许企业以低延迟的方式收集、存储和处理大量数据。与传统数据仓库不同,实时数据湖不依赖于预先定义的模式,而是采用灵活的架构,可以处理各种数据类型和格式。这种架构为企业提供了以下优势: - **实时洞察:**实时数据湖允许企业访问最新的数据,从而做出更明智的决策。 - **数据民主化:**实时数据湖使各种利益相关者都可


云原生架构和SOA架构是两种不同的架构模式,主要有以下区别: 1. 设计理念不同: 云原生架构的设计理念是“设计为云”,注重应用程序的可移植性、可伸缩性、弹性和高可用性等特点。而SOA架构的设计理念是“面向服务”,注重实现业务逻辑的解耦和复用,提高系统的灵活性和可维护性。 2. 技术实现不同: 云原生架构的实现技术包括Docker、Kubernetes、Service Mesh等,注重容器化、自动化、微服务等技术。而SOA架构的实现技术包括Web Services、消息队列等,注重服务化、异步通信等技术。 3. 应用场景不同: 云原生架构适用于云计算环境下的应用场景,如容器化部署、微服务

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多样性她- 事实上SCI NCES你的时间表ECOLEDO C Tora SC和NCESPOUR l’Ingén学习互动,互动学习以行动为中心的强化学习学会互动,互动学习,以行动为中心的强化学习计算机科学博士论文于2021年9月28日在Villeneuve d'Asq公开支持马修·瑟林评审团主席法布里斯·勒菲弗尔阿维尼翁大学教授论文指导奥利维尔·皮耶昆谷歌研究教授:智囊团论文联合主任菲利普·普雷教授,大学。里尔/CRISTAL/因里亚报告员奥利维耶·西格德索邦大学报告员卢多维奇·德诺耶教授,Facebook /索邦大学审查员越南圣迈IMT Atlantic高级讲师邀请弗洛里安·斯特鲁布博士,Deepmind对于那些及时看到自己错误的人...3谢谢你首先,我要感谢我的两位博士生导师Olivier和Philippe。奥利维尔,"站在巨人的肩膀上"这句话对你来说完全有意义了。从科学上讲,你知道在这篇论文的(许多)错误中,你是我可以依


![实现实时监控告警系统:Kafka与Grafana整合](,png) # 1.1 Kafka集群架构 Kafka集群由多个称为代理的服务器组成,这


以下是数字舵机控制程序的流程图: ![数字舵机控制程序流程图]( 1. 初始化引脚:设置舵机控制引脚为输出模式。 2. 初始化舵机:将舵机控制引脚输出的PWM信号设置为初始值,初始化舵机的位置。 3. 接收控制信号:通过串口或者其他方式接收舵机控制信号。 4. 解析控制信号:解析接收到的控制信号,确定舵机需要转动的角度和方向。 5. 转动舵机:根据解析后的控制信号,设置舵机控制引脚输出的PWM信号的占空比,使舵机转动到目标位置。 6. 延时:为了保证舵机转动到目标位置后稳定,需要延时一段时间。 7. 返回接收控制信

c++校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计说明书(含源代码) (2).pdf

校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计旨在帮助学生深入理解程序设计的基础知识,同时锻炼他们的实际操作能力。通过设计和实现一个校园超市商品信息管理系统,学生掌握了如何利用计算机科学与技术知识解决实际问题的能力。在课程设计过程中,学生需要对超市商品和销售员的关系进行有效管理,使系统功能更全面、实用,从而提高用户体验和便利性。 学生在课程设计过程中展现了积极的学习态度和纪律,没有缺勤情况,演示过程流畅且作品具有很强的使用价值。设计报告完整详细,展现了对问题的深入思考和解决能力。在答辩环节中,学生能够自信地回答问题,展示出扎实的专业知识和逻辑思维能力。教师对学生的表现予以肯定,认为学生在课程设计中表现出色,值得称赞。 整个课程设计过程包括平时成绩、报告成绩和演示与答辩成绩三个部分,其中平时表现占比20%,报告成绩占比40%,演示与答辩成绩占比40%。通过这三个部分的综合评定,最终为学生总成绩提供参考。总评分以百分制计算,全面评估学生在课程设计中的各项表现,最终为学生提供综合评价和反馈意见。 通过校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计,学生不仅提升了对程序设计基础知识的理解与应用能力,同时也增强了团队协作和沟通能力。这一过程旨在培养学生综合运用技术解决问题的能力,为其未来的专业发展打下坚实基础。学生在进行校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计过程中,不仅获得了理论知识的提升,同时也锻炼了实践能力和创新思维,为其未来的职业发展奠定了坚实基础。 校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计的目的在于促进学生对程序设计基础知识的深入理解与掌握,同时培养学生解决实际问题的能力。通过对系统功能和用户需求的全面考量,学生设计了一个实用、高效的校园超市商品信息管理系统,为用户提供了更便捷、更高效的管理和使用体验。 综上所述,校园超市商品信息管理系统课程设计是一项旨在提升学生综合能力和实践技能的重要教学活动。通过此次设计,学生不仅深化了对程序设计基础知识的理解,还培养了解决实际问题的能力和团队合作精神。这一过程将为学生未来的专业发展提供坚实基础,使其在实际工作中能够胜任更多挑战。