module test; typedef_packed struct { bit [9:-1][2:0] a; ///REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004 bit [3:0] b; } packed ST1; typedef_packed struct { ST1 st1; ST1 st2[3:0]; } ST2; logic clk; always @ (posedge clk) begin ST2 st2 = '{ {10{1'b1}}, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'hFFF,3'b1}}; $display("st2 before:%0d '%h", st2.st2[0].b, st2.st2[0].a); ST2 st3; end endmodule when compiled by vcs, it reports error: Parsing design file '' Error-[SE] Syntax Error Following verilog source has syntax error: "", 30: token is 'st3' ST2 st3; how should I fix this error?
时间: 2024-02-14 20:15:08 浏览: 77
The error is caused by placing the declaration of `st3` inside the always block without any assignment. To fix the error, you can either remove the declaration of `st3` or add an assignment to it. For example, you can assign a value to `st3` to make the declaration valid:
module test;
typedef_packed struct {
bit [9:-1][2:0] a; ///REQ-EXT-10001, REQ-EXT-10004
bit [3:0] b;
} packed ST1;
typedef_packed struct {
ST1 st1;
ST1 st2[3:0];
} ST2;
logic clk;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
ST2 st2 = '{ {10{1'b1}}, '{3'b1, 3'b0, 12'hFFF,3'b1}};
$display("st2 before:%0d '%h", st2.st2[0].b, st2.st2[0].a);
ST2 st3 = '{ '{ {9{1'b0}}, 4'h5, {{10{3'b0}}, 3'b1, 12'hABC, 3'b0}}};