for (let i = 1; i <= nodes.length; i++) { timeMatrix[i] = new Array(100) for (let j = 1; j <= nodes.length; j++) { timeMatrix[i][j] = 65535 } }
时间: 2024-03-30 13:34:54 浏览: 48
这是一个初始化二维数组的代码片段,其中for循环嵌套用于遍历二维数组中的每一个元素。在第一层循环中,i表示遍历到二维数组的第i行,timeMatrix[i]表示获取该行的所有元素。通过new Array(100)可以为该行创建一个包含100个元素的一维数组。在第二层循环中,j表示遍历到二维数组中第i行的第j个元素,timeMatrix[i][j]表示获取该元素。通过赋值语句timeMatrix[i][j] = 65535,可以将该元素的值赋为65535。这个过程可以重复进行,直到遍历完整个二维数组,实现二维数组的初始化。这个代码片段的作用是将timeMatrix二维数组的所有元素赋初值65535,以便在后续代码中记录节点间距离时使用。
let matrix = new Array(nodes.length)
这是一个创建一维数组的代码片段,其中new Array(nodes.length)表示创建一个包含nodes.length个元素的一维数组,整体语句let matrix = new Array(nodes.length)表示将这个一维数组赋值给matrix变量。在JavaScript中,一维数组可以用来存储一组具有相同数据类型的数据,比如存储学生的成绩、存储一组字符串等等。通过定义一维数组,可以方便地对其中的数据进行遍历、修改、查找等操作。
Let's say we have N modules in a software. A module may use the output of the other modules to complete some tasks. Now, you are provided by an array dep of length N, which stores the dependency of the modules. For example, if module 0 needs the output from module 1 and 2, then dep[0]=[1,2]. Your task is to arrange a proper order for the software to successfully run all the modules one by one. Write a function schedule to return a proper order given the array dep. For example, if dep=[[],[],[0,1]], the proper orders could be [0, 1, 2] or [1, 0, 2], because module 2 depends on module 0 and 1. Note: When there are two modules that can run at the same time, choose the one with smaller node label. Use the above example, both module 0 and 1 should be run before node 2, but you should return [0, 1, 2]. If there is no proper order, return None. For example: Test Result dep = [[],[],[0,1]] print(schedule(dep)) [0, 1, 2]
Sure, I understand your question. Here's a Python function `schedule` that takes an array `dep` and returns a proper order for the software to run all the modules one by one:
def schedule(dep):
n = len(dep)
in_degrees = [0] * n
graph = [[] for _ in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
for j in dep[i]:
in_degrees[i] += 1
queue = [i for i in range(n) if in_degrees[i] == 0]
res = []
while queue:
node = queue.pop(0)
for neighbor in graph[node]:
in_degrees[neighbor] -= 1
if in_degrees[neighbor] == 0:
return res if len(res) == n else None
The function first initializes an `in_degrees` array to store the in-degree of each node in the graph. It then creates an adjacency list `graph` to represent the graph using the `dep` array. The function then initializes a queue with nodes that have in-degree of 0, and processes each node in the queue by adding it to the result and decreasing the in-degree of its neighbors. If the in-degree of a neighbor becomes 0, it is added to the queue. Finally, the function returns the result if the length of the result equals to the number of nodes, otherwise it returns None.
You can test the function with the example you provided:
dep = [[],[],[0,1]]
The output should be `[0, 1, 2]`.