分析蓝牙打印”05-22 20:48:20.045 6042 6085 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0 05-22 20:48:20.045 6042 6085 I chatty : uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 4 lines 05-22 20:48:20.045 6042 6085 E bt_btif : register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0 05-22 20:48:20.112 6042 6164 D BluetoothAdapterService: disable() called with mRunningProfiles.size() = 8 05-22 20:48:20.114 6042 6059 I AdapterState: TURNING_OFF : entered 05-22 20:48:20.114 6042 6059 D AdapterProperties: Setting state to TURNING_OFF 05-22 20:48:20.114 6042 6059 D BluetoothAdapterService: updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state TURNING_OFF to 1 receivers. 05-22 20:48:20.115 6042 6059 D AdapterProperties: onBluetoothDisable() 05-22 20:48:20.115 6042 6059 D BluetoothAdapterService: cancelDiscovery 05-22 20:48:20.120 6042 6065 D AdapterProperties: Scan Mode:20 05-22 20:48:20.123 6042 6042 I A2dpService: stop() 05-22 20:48:20.124 6042 6042 D A2dpService: broadcastActiveDevice(null) 05-22 20:48:20.125 6042 6042 D A2dpService: setA2dpService(): set to: null 05-22 20:48:20.127 6042 6079 I btif_av : void BtifAvSource::Cleanup() 05-22 20:48:20.127 6042 6079 I btif_av : bool BtifAvSource::SetActivePeer(const RawAddress &): peer: 00:00:00:00:00:00 05-22 20:48:20.127 6042 6079 I bt_btif_a2dp_source: btif_a2dp_source_cleanup“
时间: 2023-07-15 20:13:03 浏览: 154
1. "register_notification_rsp: Avrcp device is not connected, handle: 0x0":注册通知响应,但是Avrcp设备没有连接,句柄是0x0。
2. "uid=1002(bluetooth) BluetoothAvrcpH identical 4 lines":这是一个debug信息,标识蓝牙Avrcp H(头文件)相同的4行代码。
3. "disable() called with mRunningProfiles.size() = 8":禁用蓝牙,同时已经有8个蓝牙配置文件正在运行。
4. "TURNING_OFF : entered":进入TURNING_OFF状态。
5. "Setting state to TURNING_OFF":设置状态为TURNING_OFF。
6. "updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state TURNING_OFF to 1 receivers.":更新适配器状态,将状态广播给1个接收器。
7. "onBluetoothDisable()":蓝牙已禁用。
8. "cancelDiscovery":取消发现设备。
9. "Scan Mode:20":扫描模式为20。
10. "stop()":停止A2DP服务。
11. "broadcastActiveDevice(null)":广播活动设备为null。
12. "setA2dpService(): set to: null":设置A2DP服务为null。
13. "void BtifAvSource::Cleanup()":清理BtifAvSource。
14. "bool BtifAvSource::SetActivePeer(const RawAddress &): peer: 00:00:00:00:00:00":设置活动对等端为00:00:00:00:00:00。
15. "btif_a2dp_source_cleanup":清理A2DP源。