Answer in English, Help me prepare an answer for the IELTS speaking test in part 2. Answer in English,The question is:Describe something you did with one person/a group of people. You should say: What it was Where you did it Who you were with And explain how you feel about this.about basketball

时间: 2023-02-09 09:12:07 浏览: 53
One thing I did with a group of people was play a game of basketball. We played at a local park near my house. I was with a group of my friends who I have known for many years. We all enjoy playing basketball together and we try to play at least once a week. I felt really good about this experience because it was a great opportunity to catch up with my friends and get some exercise at the same time. Playing basketball is always a fun and enjoyable experience for me.

Answer in English, Help me prepare an answer for the IELTS speaking test in part 2.Answer in English. The question is:Describe something you did that made you feel proud. You should say: What it was How you did it How difficult it was And explain why you felt proud of 190 words.

One thing that made me feel proud was when I completed a marathon. The marathon was a 42.2 kilometer race and I trained for several months in order to participate in it. The training was difficult as it required me to wake up early in the morning and to run for long distances, even when I felt tired. But, I was determined to finish the race and I did. During the marathon, I faced many challenges such as dealing with my own fatigue and the harsh weather conditions. However, I pushed through and managed to finish the race in a respectable time. I felt proud of myself for completing the marathon because it was something that I had never done before and it required a lot of hard work and dedication. Additionally, the marathon was a personal challenge and it felt great to overcome it. It also made me feel a sense of accomplishment and self-fulfillment. Overall, completing the marathon was a difficult but rewarding experience and it made me feel proud of myself for pushing beyond my limits.

Give me an IELTS answer in English. The question was to describe a traffic jam in 300 words.

在我的城市,交通堵塞是很常见的现象。特别是在上下班高峰期,道路上总是塞满了汽车,以至于几乎无法移动。 通常情况下,交通堵塞的原因是道路太窄,无法容纳大量车辆。另外,城市拥有众多的公交车、出租车和私家车,这些车辆都在竞相穿梭于城市的各个角落,导致道路拥堵。 此外,还有许多车辆在城市中穿行,从而增加了交通堵塞的程度。这些车辆大多是卡车和货车,它们在城市内运输货物,但由于道路宽度有限,它们往往会占用许多车道,导致道路拥堵。 交通堵塞对我们的生活有着很大的影响。首先,它耗费了我们大量的时间,使我们无法按时到达目的地。其次,它还会使我们的心情变得烦躁,因为我们经常要在车里等待很长时间。此外,交通堵塞还会对空气质量造成负面影响,因为许多汽车正在缓慢行驶,排放出大量废气。 总的来说,交通堵






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