C#不生成界面,建立场景,设置开始结束时间,输入卫星轨道六根数后使用STK COM端口用HPOP模型计算卫星轨道数据
时间: 2024-03-03 16:50:54 浏览: 114
好的,以下是一个可以在C#中使用STK COM端口来计算卫星轨道数据的示例代码:
using System;
using System.IO;
using AGI.STKObjects;
using AGI.STKUtil;
namespace STKCOMExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Connect to running instance of STK
IAgUiApplication stkApp = new AgUiApplication();
stkApp.Visible = false;
stkApp.UserControl = false;
// Create new scenario
IAgScenario scenario = stkApp.Root.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;
scenario.SetTimePeriod("1 Jan 2022 00:00:00.000", "2 Jan 2022 00:00:00.000");
// Create new satellite
IAgSatellite satellite = scenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, "MySatellite") as IAgSatellite;
// Set initial state with Keplerian elements
double sma = 7000.0; // semi-major axis
double ecc = 0.0; // eccentricity
double inc = 45.0; // inclination
double raan = 0.0; // right ascension of ascending node
double aop = 0.0; // argument of periapsis
double ta = 0.0; // true anomaly
IAgOrbitState state = satellite.Propagator.InitialState.Representation as IAgOrbitState;
state.AssignKeplerian(sma, ecc, inc, raan, aop, ta);
// Set up HPOP propagator
IAgVePropagatorHPOP propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorHPOP;
propagator.Step = 60.0; // propagation step size (seconds)
propagator.InitialState.Epoch = scenario.StartTime;
// Get satellite position and velocity at a specific time
string queryTime = "1 Jan 2022 12:00:00.000";
IAgCartesian3Vector position = propagator.Trajectory.QueryCartesian(queryTime);
IAgCartesian3Vector velocity = propagator.Trajectory.QueryCartesianVelocity(queryTime);
// Write results to console
Console.WriteLine("Satellite position at " + queryTime + ": " + position.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Satellite velocity at " + queryTime + ": " + velocity.ToString());
// Disconnect from STK
这个示例程序通过STK COM接口连接到运行中的STK实例,并创建了一个新的场景和卫星对象。然后,它使用IAgOrbitState接口将卫星的初始状态设置为具有Keplerian元素的状态,并使用IAgVePropagatorHPOP接口将卫星轨道进行HPOP模型计算。最后,它使用IAgVeTrajectory接口获取卫星在指定时间的位置和速度,并将结果输出到控制台。
请注意,这个示例程序需要STK许可证才能运行。如果您没有STK许可证,可以使用STK免费试用版来尝试运行这个示例程序。同时,您需要先在项目中添加对AGI.STKObjects和AGI.STKUtil的引用,这些是STK COM接口的类型库。