fastapi receive
时间: 2023-09-26 10:08:35 浏览: 119
FastAPI is a Python web framework that allows you to easily create and deploy web applications. One of its key features is its ability to receive data from various sources. Here are some examples of how FastAPI can receive data:
1. Query parameters - FastAPI can receive data from query parameters in the URL. For example, if you have a URL like /items?limit=10&offset=20, FastAPI can extract the limit and offset values using the request query parameters.
2. JSON data - FastAPI can receive JSON data from HTTP requests. This is useful for APIs that need to receive structured data from clients. FastAPI can automatically decode the JSON data and convert it into Python objects.
3. Form data - FastAPI can receive form data from HTTP requests, such as data submitted through HTML forms. FastAPI can automatically parse the form data and convert it into Python objects.
4. File uploads - FastAPI can receive file uploads from HTTP requests. This is useful for APIs that need to receive files from clients, such as images or documents. FastAPI can automatically handle file uploads and store the files on disk.
Overall, FastAPI provides a flexible and easy-to-use interface for receiving data from various sources.