ldpc中rbp算法 matlab
时间: 2024-01-03 08:04:43 浏览: 207
以下是一个使用 MATLAB 实现 LDPC 码的 RBP 算法的示例:
首先,我们需要定义 LDPC 码的参数:码长、码率、校验矩阵等。这里我们使用 IEEE 802.11n 标准中的一个 LDPC 码作为示例。
% LDPC code parameters
n = 64800; % code length
k = 48600; % message length
rate = k/n; % code rate
H = dvbs2ldpc(n,k); % parity check matrix
max_iter = 50; % maximum number of iterations
接下来,我们生成一个随机的消息向量,并使用 LDPC 码将其编码为码字。
% generate random message vector
msg = randi([0 1],k,1);
% encode message using LDPC code
codeword = ldpc_encode(msg,H);
% add noise to codeword
EbNo = 5; % energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio
noise_var = 10^(-EbNo/10)/(2*rate); % noise variance
noisy_codeword = codeword + sqrt(noise_var)*randn(n,1);
现在,我们使用 RBP 算法对接收到的码字进行解码。RBP 算法需要计算每个校验节点和变量节点之间的消息,以及每个变量节点和校验节点之间的消息。在每次迭代中,我们更新这些消息并计算每个节点的似然比。
% initialize messages
q = repmat(1/2,k,1); % a priori probabilities
r = zeros(n-k,n); % messages from variable nodes to check nodes
s = zeros(k,n); % messages from check nodes to variable nodes
% RBP algorithm
for iter = 1:max_iter
% update messages from variable nodes to check nodes
for i = 1:n-k
% find the indices of check nodes connected to variable node i
j = find(H(:,i));
% compute the product of messages from all other check nodes
prod_s = prod(1-2*s(j,i));
% update the message from variable node i to check nodes
r(i,j) = 2*atanh(prod_s*prod(1-2*q(j))).';
% update messages from check nodes to variable nodes
for j = 1:k
% find the indices of variable nodes connected to check node j
i = find(H(j,:));
% compute the sum of messages from all other variable nodes
sum_r = sum(r(i,j));
% update the message from check node j to variable nodes
s(j,i) = sum_r - r(i,j);
% compute the posterior probabilities
llr = 2*noisy_codeword./(noise_var + sum(r,2));
q = 1./(1 + exp(llr));
% compute decoded message vector
decoded_msg = q > 0.5;
% compute bit error rate
num_errors = sum(xor(decoded_msg,msg));
ber = num_errors/k;
这就是一个简单的使用 MATLAB 实现 LDPC 码的 RBP 解码算法的示例。