写一篇四级英语短语的小红书笔记推荐。要求1.标题夸张有趣吸引人 2.内容突出笔记中的短语有价值很重要
时间: 2024-05-27 18:11:04 浏览: 181
1. Break the ice:打破僵局
- It's important to break the ice when meeting new people.
2. Go the extra mile:多做一点努力
- If you want to succeed, you need to go the extra mile.
3. Hit the nail on the head:说到点子上
- He hit the nail on the head when he said we needed to increase our marketing efforts.
4. Keep your chin up:振作起来
- Even when things get tough, it's important to keep your chin up and stay positive.
5. Let the cat out of the bag:泄露秘密
- I accidentally let the cat out of the bag and told everyone about the surprise party.
6. Make a long story short:简言之
- To make a long story short, I ended up getting lost on the way to the airport.
7. On the same page:意见一致
- We're all on the same page when it comes to the importance of teamwork.
8. Piece of cake:轻而易举
- After studying for weeks, the exam was a piece of cake.
9. Take it with a grain of salt:持怀疑态度
- When reading reviews online, it's important to take them with a grain of salt.
10. Under the weather:感觉不舒服
- I'm feeling a bit under the weather today, so I'm going to stay home and rest.