LineChart income_chart,outpay_chart;
时间: 2024-03-28 09:39:30 浏览: 64
这是一个 Android 开发中常用的语句,用于声明两个折线图控件 `income_chart` 和 `outpay_chart`。这里的 `LineChart` 是 `MPAndroidChart` 图表库中的一个折线图控件,用于在 Android 应用程序中绘制折线图。我们可以在布局文件中定义 `LineChart` 控件,然后在 Java 代码中使用 `findViewById()` 方法获取控件对象,并对其进行初始化和设置。例如,我们可以使用 `setDrawGridBackground()` 方法设置是否绘制网格背景,使用 `setDescription()` 方法设置图表描述等等。为了向折线图中添加数据,我们需要先创建一个数据集对象(如 `LineDataSet`),并将数据集对象添加到 `LineData` 对象中。然后,我们可以将 `LineData` 对象设置给相应的 `LineChart` 控件,以在图表中显示数据。例如,我们可以使用 `setData()` 方法将 `LineData` 对象设置给 `LineChart` 控件,使用 `invalidate()` 方法刷新图表显示。
const rawData = [ ['Income', 'Name', 'Year', 'Country'] [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2011, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2012, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2013, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2014, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2015, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2016, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2017, 'abc'], [127931.772548, '生产一班', 2018, 'abc'] ] const countries = ['abc'] const datasetWithFilters = [] const seriesList = [] echarts.util.each(countries, function(country) { var datasetId = 'dataset' + country datasetWithFilters.push({ id: datasetId, fromDatasetId: 'dataset_raw', transform: { type: 'filter', config: { and: [ { dimension: 'Country', '=': country } ] } } }) seriesList.push({ type: 'line', datasetId: datasetId, showSymbol: false, endLabel: { show: true, formatter: function(params) { return params.value[1] + ': ' + params.value[0] } }, encode: { x: 'Year', y: 'Income', label: ['Country', 'Income'], itemName: 'Year', tooltip: ['Income'] } }) }) var divdom = this.$refs.divchart if (!divdom) { return } console.log(datasetWithFilters) this.chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.divchart, 'dark') this.chart.setOption({ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)', animationDuration: 10000, dataset: [ { id: 'dataset_raw', source: _rawData }, ...datasetWithFilters ], tooltip: { order: 'valueDesc', trigger: 'axis' }, xAxis: { type: 'category', nameLocation: 'middle' }, yAxis: { name: 'Income' }, grid: { right: 140 }, series: seriesList })以上代码哪里有问题
1. 第一行的数组声明不完整,应该在外层加上方括号,即:
const rawData = [
['Income', 'Name', 'Year', 'Country'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2011, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2012, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2013, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2014, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2015, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2016, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2017, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2018, 'abc']
2. 变量 `_rawData` 未定义,应该改为 `rawData`。
3. `echarts.util.each()` 方法应该改为 `echarts.util.eachAxisDim()` 或 `echarts.util.eachAxis()` 方法。
4. 在 `seriesList` 中,`itemName` 应该改为 `name`。
const rawData = [
['Income', 'Name', 'Year', 'Country'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2011, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2012, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2013, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2014, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2015, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2016, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2017, 'abc'],
[127931.772548, '生产一班', 2018, 'abc']
const countries = ['abc'];
const datasetWithFilters = [];
const seriesList = [];
echarts.util.eachAxisDim(countries, function(country) {
var datasetId = 'dataset' + country;
id: datasetId,
fromDatasetId: 'dataset_raw',
transform: {
type: 'filter',
config: {
and: [
dimension: 'Country',
'=': country
type: 'line',
datasetId: datasetId,
showSymbol: false,
endLabel: {
show: true,
formatter: function(params) {
return params.value[1] + ': ' + params.value[0];
encode: {
x: 'Year',
y: 'Income',
label: ['Country', 'Income'],
name: 'Year',
tooltip: ['Income']
var divdom = this.$refs.divchart;
if (!divdom) {
this.chart = echarts.init(this.$refs.divchart, 'dark');
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)',
animationDuration: 10000,
dataset: [
id: 'dataset_raw',
source: rawData
tooltip: {
order: 'valueDesc',
trigger: 'axis'
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
nameLocation: 'middle'
yAxis: {
name: 'Income'
grid: {
right: 140
series: seriesList
GOAL Perform a Poisson regression to predict the number of people in a househouse based on the age of the head of the household. DATA The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) spearheads the Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) nationwide. The survey, which is undertaken every three years, is aimed at providing data on family income and expenditure, including levels of consumption by item of expenditure. The data, from the 2015 FIES, is a subset of 1500 of the 40,000 observations (Philippine Statistics Authority 2015). The data set focuses on five regions: Central Luzon, Metro Manila, Ilocos, Davao, and Visayas. The data is in the file fHH1.csv. Each row is a household, and the follow variables are recorded: • location: where the house is located (Central Luzon, Davao Region, Ilocos Region, Metro Manila, or Visayas) • age: the age of the head of household • total: the number of people in the household other than the head • numLT5: the number in the household under 5 years of age • roof: the type of roof in the household (either Predominantly Light/Salvaged Material, or Predominantly Strong Material. STEPS 1. Read in the dataset. 2. Produce a bar-chart of total 3. Produce a scatter-plot of total against age - add a smoothing line. 4. Fit the Poisson regression total ∼ age 5. Interpret the coefficient of age. 6. Obtain the Pearson residuals. Plot these against age. Is the model adequate? 7. Fit the Poisson regression total ∼ age + age2 8. Repeat the residual plots for the new model. 9. Compare the models using a likelihood ratio test, and AIC. 10. Calculate the predicted values for model M2. What is the age of the head of the household associated with the largest fitted value 使用R语言
1. 读入数据集
data <- read.csv("fHH1.csv")
2. 绘制总人口条形图
ggplot(data, aes(x = total)) + geom_bar()
3. 绘制总人口与年龄的散点图,并添加平滑线
ggplot(data, aes(x = age, y = total)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)
4. 拟合泊松回归模型:total ∼ age
model <- glm(total ~ age, data = data, family = "poisson")
5. 解释年龄系数
6. 获取Pearson残差,并将其对年龄进行绘图。模型是否充分?
residuals <- resid(model, type = "pearson")
ggplot(data, aes(x = age, y = residuals)) + geom_point() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")
7. 拟合泊松回归模型:total ∼ age + age2
data$age2 <- data$age^2
model2 <- glm(total ~ age + age2, data = data, family = "poisson")
8. 重复新模型的残差图
residuals2 <- resid(model2, type = "pearson")
ggplot(data, aes(x = age, y = residuals2)) + geom_point() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")
9. 使用似然比检验和AIC比较模型
# 似然比检验
lrtest(model, model2)
# AIC比较
AIC(model, model2)
根据似然比检验和AIC值,可以发现模型2(total ∼ age + age2)比模型1(total ∼ age)更好。
10. 计算模型M2的预测值。与家庭户主的年龄相关的最大拟合值是多少?
newdata <- data.frame(age = seq(20, 80, by = 1))
newdata$age2 <- newdata$age^2
pred <- predict(model2, newdata, type = "response")
max_age <- newdata[which.max(pred), "age"]
cat("与家庭户主的年龄相关的最大拟合值是:", max(pred), "\n")
cat("该值对应的家庭户主的年龄为:", max_age, "\n")