git无法pull仓库refusing to merge unrelated histories
时间: 2023-05-03 08:04:32 浏览: 117
当git pull 指令执行时出现报错信息 "refusing to merge unrelated histories",意为该 git 仓库拒绝合并无关的历史。这是因为当前分支本身就没有任何版本历史记录,与远程库中的版本历史不是同一条线,两个版本历史无法自动合并,需要手动指定历史记录。
解决方法可以通过添加 --allow-unrelated-histories 参数进行合并不相关的历史记录:
git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
修改git仓库之后更新代码报错refusing to merge unrelated histories
当你尝试合并Git仓库时,如果报错"refusing to merge unrelated histories",通常这意味着两个分支已经长时间未保持同步,它们之间存在不可合并的历史更改。这可能是因为你在本地进行了大量的修改,而远程仓库也有了新的提交,形成了两条独立的发展路径。
1. **拉取最新**:首先,确保你从远程仓库拉取最新的代码,使用命令 `git pull origin <branch>`(替换 `<branch>` 为你需要合并的分支名)。
2. **解决冲突**:合并过程中可能会出现文件冲突,这时你需要手动编辑冲突的文件,解决分歧然后保存。
3. **合并分支**:解决了冲突后,再次尝试合并,使用 `git merge` 或者 `git rebase` 来整合你的改动到目标分支上。
4. **推送变更**:如果一切顺利,你可以将更改推送到远程仓库,`git push origin <branch> --force-with-lease` (同样替换 `<branch>`),但是注意这个操作会覆盖远程仓库的版本,除非你有特殊原因,否则不建议随意使用。
idea git merge refusing to merge unrelated histories
If you encounter the "refusing to merge unrelated histories" error when trying to merge branches in Git, it typically means that Git is unable to automatically merge the branches because it cannot find a common ancestor commit.
To resolve this issue, you can use the `--allow-unrelated-histories` flag with the `git merge` command. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Make sure you are in the branch where you want to merge the other branch.
git checkout <branch-name>
2. Merge the other branch with the `--allow-unrelated-histories` flag.
git merge <other-branch-name> --allow-unrelated-histories
3. Resolve any conflicts that may arise during the merge process.
Git will automatically attempt to merge the changes but if conflicts occur, you need to manually resolve them.
4. Commit the merge changes.
git commit -m "Merge branches"
After following these steps, the branches should be successfully merged despite having unrelated histories.