mybatis <sql>
时间: 2023-12-13 09:06:13 浏览: 153
The <sql> element in MyBatis is used to define reusable SQL fragments that can be included in other SQL statements. It allows you to define a piece of SQL logic that can be used in multiple places without having to repeat the code.
For example, you can define a <sql> element to generate a WHERE clause that can be used in multiple queries:
<sql id="whereClause">
<if test="name != null">
AND name = #{name}
<if test="age != null">
AND age = #{age}
You can then include this fragment in your SQL statements like this:
<select id="getUser" resultType="User">
<include refid="whereClause"/>
The <include> element is used to include the SQL fragment defined by the <sql> element with the specified id.
Using <sql> and <include> elements can help simplify your SQL and make it easier to maintain.