if (params.type == BUFFER_INVALID) { LOGD("Invalid parameters, type is not initialized."); return nullptr; }解释一下该段代码
时间: 2024-05-29 14:11:52 浏览: 115
这段代码是一个条件语句,判断变量params的属性type是否等于BUFFER_INVALID。如果type等于BUFFER_INVALID,则会输出一个日志信息"Invalid parameters, type is not initialized.",并返回空指针nullptr。如果type不等于BUFFER_INVALID,则不执行日志输出和返回nullptr的操作。
if (params.type == BUFFER_INVALID) { LOGD("Invalid parameters, type is not initialized."); return nullptr; }
This code block checks if the value of a variable called "type" in an input parameter called "params" is equal to "BUFFER_INVALID". If it is, the function will output a debug log message saying that the parameters are invalid because the type is not initialized, and then return a null pointer.