时间: 2023-06-15 13:06:49 浏览: 157
# ZPL script to calculate the incident angle of rays in a ZRD file
# Define input and output files
inputfile "input.zrd"
outputfile "output.txt"
# Open input file
openfile 1 inputfile
# Read header information
readheader 1
# Get number of rays and number of surfaces
getnumrays nray
getnumsurfs nsurf
# Define variables to store ray data
var rayx[nray]
var rayy[nray]
var rayz[nray]
var rayl[nray]
var raym[nray]
var rayn[nray]
# Read ray data from input file
readray 1 x y z l m n
# Close input file
closefile 1
# Open output file
openfile 2 outputfile
# Write header information to output file
write 2 "Incident Angle\tX\tY\tZ\n"
# Loop through all rays and calculate incident angle
for i = 1 to nray
# Calculate incident angle using dot product
angle = acos(l[i]*0 + m[i]*0 + n[i]*1)
# Convert angle to degrees
angle_degrees = angle*180/pi
# Write incident angle and ray coordinates to output file
write 2 angle_degrees "\t" x[i] "\t" y[i] "\t" z[i] "\n"
next i
# Close output file
closefile 2
# End of program