Category (strong entity) - Category ID (single value, simple numeric), pk - Category Name (single value, simple string) Isa_Category (Category Has Category) Roles: Category fulfills the subclass role and Supercategory fulfills the superclass role. Cardinality: n:1, a super category can have many subcategories Participation: Supercategory is total, there must be a supercatory for each subcategory, but supcategory is partial, not every supercategory must have a subcategory to exist.怎样转化为关系模型

时间: 2024-02-01 10:22:31 浏览: 18
可以将上述实体及其关系转化为以下关系模式: Category(CategoryID, CategoryName) - CategoryID: 单值、简单数值,作为主键 - CategoryName: 单值、简单字符串,表示类别名称 Isa_Category(SubcategoryID, SuperCategoryID) - SubcategoryID: 表示子类别ID,参照Category表的CategoryID字段 - SuperCategoryID: 表示父类别ID,参照Category表的CategoryID字段 其中,Category表表示类别实体,Isa_Category表示类别间的继承关系。在Isa_Category表中,SubcategoryID和SuperCategoryID均参照Category表的CategoryID字段,表示子类别和父类别的关系。在Isa_Category表中,一个父类别可以对应多个子类别,但一个子类别只能有一个父类别。同时,Category表中的CategoryID字段作为主键,保证了每个类别在实体层面的唯一性。

使用映射算法将 ER 架构映射到关系数据库架构。使用以下表示法表示生成的关系数据库架构:PK 表示主键,AK 表示备用键,FK 表示外键,并带有指向相应表(主键)的箭头 Book Entity (Strong) - Title (single valued, simple string) - ISBN (single valued, simple alphanumeric string), pk - Edition (single valued, simple numeric) - Date of Publication (single valued, composite concatenation of characters and numbers) - Price (single valued, simple floating point number) - Book Description (single valued, simple string) Author Entity (Strong) - Author Name - Author_id, pk Publisher Entity (Strong) - Publisher id (single value, simple numeric), pk - Publisher Name (single valued, simple string) - Address (single valued, simple string) - together the publisher name and address could make an alternate key because no to publishers can have the same name and address Customer Entity (strong) - Customer_id (single valued, simple string), pk - Name (composite one value for first, middle and last name, simple string) - Mailing Address (single valued, simple string) - Credit Card Number and Expiration Date (single value, simple numeric sequence), alternate key - Phone Number (single value, simple alphanumeric string) - Email Address (single valued, simple alphanumeric string) Shipment (strong) - Date of Shipment ( single valued, composite of strings and numbers) - Tracking Number (single valued, simple alphanumeric string), pk - Date of Expected Delivery ( single valued, compoite of strings and numbers) Order (Strong) - Order Number (single valued, simple number), pk - Mailing Address (single value, simple string) - Method of Shipment (single value, simple string) - Date and Time of Order (when the order was placed) - Total Price of the Order (multivalue, composite) Promotion (strong entity type ) - Promotion id number, pk - Percentage Discount Points (single value, simple float) - Duration of Promotion (start date and end date) ( composite attributes like the dates above) Line Item(weak entity type) - Total price for each book that is ordered (single value, two place precision float) - Quantity of each item ordered Category (strong entity) - Category ID (single value, simple numeric), pk - Category Name (single value, simple string),

将ER架构映射到关系数据库架构,生成的关系数据库架构如下: Book 表: - ISBN (主键) - Title - Edition - Date of Publication - Price - Book Description Author 表: - Author_id (主键) - Author Name Publisher 表: - Publisher id (主键) - Publisher Name - Address - AK: Publisher Name + Address Customer 表: - Customer_id (主键) - Name - Mailing Address - Phone Number - Email Address - AK: Credit Card Number and Expiration Date Shipment 表: - Tracking Number (主键) - Date of Shipment - Date of Expected Delivery Order 表: - Order Number (主键) - Mailing Address - Method of Shipment - Date and Time of Order - Total Price of the Order Promotion 表: - Promotion id number (主键) - Percentage Discount Points - Duration of Promotion (start date and end date) Line Item 表: - Book ISBN (外键指向 Book 表) - Order Number (外键指向 Order 表) - Total price for each book that is ordered - Quantity of each item ordered Category 表: - Category ID (主键) - Category Name 需要注意的是,Line Item 表是一个弱实体类型,需要使用两个外键来指向 Book 表和 Order 表。另外,Promotion 表中的 Duration of Promotion 属性是一个复合属性,可以拆分成两个单独的属性来存储。

struct PK_TOPOL_range_vector_o_s { int o_t_version; --- version number of option --- structure PK_LOGICAL_t have_tolerance; --- (PK_LOGICAL_false) double tolerance; --- tolerance PK_range_bound_t bound; --- bounds on min separation PK_range_guess_t guess; --- guess for end on 'topol' [PF] PK_range_opt_t opt_level; --- the level of analysis --- (PK_range_opt_performance_c) PK_range_param_entity_t param_entity; --- option to return a vector and --- parameter on the sub-entity --- (if applicable). Also controls --- whether a fin can be returned --- as the sub_entity. --- (PK_range_param_entity_topol_c) };

这段代码定义了一个名为 `PK_TOPOL_range_vector_o_s` 的结构体,它包含了一些选项,用于控制在寻找拓扑实体和位置向量的全局最小分离距离时的行为。 结构体中包含的字段及其含义如下: - `o_t_version`:选项结构体的版本号。 - `have_tolerance`:是否使用一个容差值。 - `tolerance`:容差值。 - `bound`:最小分离距离的范围限制。 - `guess`:在拓扑实体上寻找最小分离距离时的猜测值(仅限于面几何计算)。 - `opt_level`:分析的级别,影响算法的性能和精度。 - `param_entity`:控制返回子实体的向量和参数,以及是否使用一条射线返回子实体的信息。


优化sql:SELECT we.organization_id ,we.wip_entity_id ,case when wl.line_id is null then we.wip_entity_name else '' end wip_entity_name ,we.primary_item_id ,mtt.transaction_type_name ,mmt.transaction_date ,bd.department_code ,mmt.inventory_item_id ,mmt.subinventory_code ,mta.reference_account ,br.resource_code ,lu2.meaning as line_type_name ,mta.base_transaction_value ,mta.cost_element_id ,flv.meaning as cost_element ,wdj.class_code job_type_code ,ml.meaning job_type_name FROM (select * from gerp.mtl_material_transactions where substr(transaction_date,1,7) >= '2023-06' and transaction_source_type_id = 5) mmt inner join gerp.wip_entities we on mmt.organization_id = we.organization_id inner join gerp.mtl_transaction_accounts mta on mta.transaction_source_id = we.wip_entity_id and mta.transaction_id = mmt.transaction_id and mta.transaction_source_type_id = 5 inner join gerp.mtl_transaction_types mtt on mtt.transaction_type_id = mmt.transaction_type_id inner join mfg_lookups lu2 on lu2.lookup_code = mta.accounting_line_type and lu2.lookup_type = 'CST_ACCOUNTING_LINE_TYPE' inner join gerp.mtl_system_items_b msi on msi.inventory_item_id = mmt.inventory_item_id and msi.organization_id = mta.organization_id left join gerp.bom_departments bd on bd.department_id = mmt.department_id left join gerp.bom_resources br on br.resource_id = mta.resource_id left join gerp.wip_lines wl on wl.line_id = mmt.repetitive_line_id left join gerp.wip_discrete_jobs wdj on wdj.wip_entity_id = mta.transaction_source_id left join gerp.fnd_lookup_values_vl flv on cast(mta.cost_element_id as string) = flv.lookup_code and flv.lookup_type = 'CST_COST_CODE_TYPE' left join mfg_lookups ml on ml.lookup_code = wdj.job_type and ml.lookup_type = 'WIP_DISCRETE_JOB' 。其中mmt,we,mta,msi,wdj数据量很大












管理Boualem Benatallah引用此版本:布阿利姆·贝纳塔拉。管理建模和仿真。约瑟夫-傅立叶大学-格勒诺布尔第一大学,1996年。法语。NNT:电话:00345357HAL ID:电话:00345357年12月9日提交HAL是一个多学科的开放存取档案馆,用于存放和传播科学研究论文,无论它们是否被公开。论文可以来自法国或国外的教学和研究机构,也可以来自公共或私人研究中心。L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire


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SPDK_NVMF_DISCOVERY_NQN 是 SPDK (Storage Performance Development Kit) 中用于查询 NVMf (Non-Volatile Memory express over Fabrics) 存储设备名称的协议。NVMf 是一种基于网络的存储协议,可用于连接远程非易失性内存存储器。 SPDK_NVMF_DISCOVERY_NQN 的作用是让存储应用程序能够通过 SPDK 查询 NVMf 存储设备的名称,以便能够访问这些存储设备。通过查询 NVMf 存储设备名称,存储应用程序可以获取必要的信息,例如存储设备的IP地址、端口号、名称等,以便能

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