(3)需要完成以下标记的解析 \begin{document}...\end{document} \title \author abstract \section \subsection itemize item (4)解析结果以语法树的形式呈现,参考示例。 (5)将LaTex解析的结果构建为pyfPDF能够识别格式比如HTML,并通过pyfPDF生成pdf
时间: 2023-08-05 16:27:27 浏览: 97
from pyparsing import *
from fpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin
# 定义LaTeX语法规则
document = Forward()
section = Forward()
subsection = Forward()
item = Forward()
begin_document = Literal(r"\begin{document}")
end_document = Literal(r"\end{document}")
title = Literal(r"\title")
author = Literal(r"\author")
abstract = Literal(r"\abstract")
section_marker = Literal(r"\section")
subsection_marker = Literal(r"\subsection")
itemize = Literal(r"\begin{itemize}")
end_itemize = Literal(r"\end{itemize}")
item_marker = Literal(r"\item")
text = Word(printables)
command = Word(r"\\" + alphanums)
group = nestedExpr("{", "}", content=text)
document << Group(begin_document + ZeroOrMore(section) + end_document)
title_section = Group(title + group)
author_section = Group(author + group)
abstract_section = Group(abstract + group)
section << Group(section_marker + group + ZeroOrMore(subsection))
subsection << Group(subsection_marker + group + ZeroOrMore(itemize) + ZeroOrMore(item) + ZeroOrMore(end_itemize))
item << Group(item_marker + group)
# 定义HTMLMixin类,用于生成PDF文件
class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin):
# 定义LaTeX解析函数
def parse_latex(latex_code):
result = document.parseString(latex_code)
# 将解析结果构建成语法树
sections = []
for section in result[1:]:
if isinstance(section[0], basestring):
if section[0] == r"\title":
title = section[1][0]
elif section[0] == r"\author":
author = section[1][0]
elif section[0] == r"\abstract":
abstract = section[1][0]
section_title = section[0][1:-1]
subsections = []
for subsection in section[1:]:
if isinstance(subsection[0], basestring):
subsection_title = subsection[0][1:-1]
items = []
for item in subsection[1:]:
if isinstance(item[0], basestring):
item_content = item[0]
subsections.append((subsection_title, items))
sections.append((section_title, subsections))
return (title, author, abstract, sections)
# 定义生成PDF文件函数
def generate_pdf(title, author, abstract, sections, output_file):
pdf = MyFPDF()
# 添加标题
pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16)
pdf.cell(0, 10, title, ln=1)
# 添加作者
pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
pdf.cell(0, 10, author, ln=1)
# 添加摘要
pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
pdf.write_html('<p>' + abstract + '</p>')
# 添加正文
pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 14)
for section in sections:
pdf.cell(0, 10, section[0], ln=1)
pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12)
for subsection in section[1]:
pdf.cell(0, 10, subsection[0], ln=1)
pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 10)
for item in subsection[1]:
pdf.write_html('<li>' + item + '</li>')
# 保存PDF文件
# 测试LaTeX解析函数和生成PDF函数
latex_code = r"""
\title{My Document}
\author{John Doe}
\abstract{This is an abstract.}
This is the introduction.
\subsection{Subsection 1}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
\subsection{Subsection 2}
\item Item 3
\item Item 4
This is the conclusion.
title, author, abstract, sections = parse_latex(latex_code)
generate_pdf(title, author, abstract, sections, "output.pdf")