NameError: name '_name_' is not defined
时间: 2023-09-15 21:18:54 浏览: 115
这个错误通常是因为代码中写错了 `__name__` 的变量名,正确的写法是两个下划线,一个单词。
在 Python 中,`__name__` 是一个特殊的全局变量,表示当前模块的名称。当 Python 解释器执行一个脚本文件时,会把该脚本文件的 `__name__` 设为 `"__main__"`,表示该模块是主模块。如果在一个模块中写了 `if __name__ == "__main__":`,则表示这个模块是作为主程序运行的,会执行这个条件语句块中的代码。
NameError: name '_Disk__name_' is not defined
This error occurs when you try to access a private attribute or method of a class in Python. In this case, it seems like you are trying to access the private attribute `__name__` of a class called `_Disk`.
In Python, any attribute or method that starts with two underscores is considered private and cannot be accessed from outside the class. However, Python does not actually prevent you from accessing these attributes or methods. Instead, it mangles the name by adding `_ClassName` before the attribute name, where `ClassName` is the name of the class.
So, in order to access the private attribute `__name__` of the `_Disk` class, you should use the mangled name `_Disk__name__`.
For example:
class _Disk:
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name__ = name
disk = _Disk("MyDisk")
print(disk._Disk__name__) # Output: "MyDisk"
Note that accessing private attributes or methods is generally not recommended as it can make your code harder to maintain and debug. If possible, you should use public attributes and methods instead.
NameError: name 'VGG16_Weights' is not defined
NameError: name 'VGG16_Weights' is not defined 是一个Python错误,它表示在当前作用域中找不到名为 'VGG16_Weights' 的变量或函数。这通常是由以下几种情况引起的:
1. 变量或函数未定义:如果你在代码中使用了一个未定义的变量或函数,就会出现这个错误。请确保你在使用之前已经定义了 'VGG16_Weights'。
2. 作用域问题:如果 'VGG16_Weights' 是在另一个作用域中定义的,而你在当前作用域中引用它,也会导致这个错误。请检查变量或函数的作用域是否正确。
3. 导入问题:如果 'VGG16_Weights' 是从其他模块导入的,可能是导入语句出现了问题。请确保你正确导入了需要的模块,并且使用正确的导入语法。