用C++语言编写:根据邮件的重量和是否选择加急计算邮费。 计算规则:重量在 1000 克以内(包括 1000 克),基本费 8 元。 超过 1000 克的部分,每 500克加收超重费 4 元,不足 500克部分按 500克计算; 如果选择加急,多收5 元
时间: 2024-05-04 18:22:21 浏览: 54
以下是基于题目要求的 C++ 代码实现:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int weight;
bool isUrgent;
double price = 8.0;
cout << "Please enter the weight of the mail in grams: ";
cin >> weight;
if (weight <= 1000) {
// 重量在 1000 克以内(包括 1000 克),基本费 8 元
cout << "The basic fee for this mail is 8 yuan." << endl;
} else {
// 超过 1000 克的部分,每 500 克加收超重费 4 元,不足 500 克部分按 500 克计算
int extraWeight = weight - 1000;
int extraFee = (extraWeight / 500) * 4;
if (extraWeight % 500 != 0) {
extraFee += 4;
price += extraFee;
cout << "The basic fee for this mail is 8 yuan. "
<< "The extra weight fee is " << extraFee << " yuan." << endl;
cout << "Would you like to choose urgent service? (0 for no, 1 for yes) ";
cin >> isUrgent;
if (isUrgent) {
// 如果选择加急,多收5元
price += 5.0;
cout << "The urgent service fee is 5 yuan." << endl;
cout << "The total price for this mail is " << price << " yuan." << endl;
return 0;