weight_base_buffer = allocate(shape=(25470896,), dtype=np.uint32) print("100M",weight_base_buffer.physical_address) WEIGHT_BASE = weight_base_buffer.physical_address bate_base_buffer = allocate(shape=(5381,), dtype=np.uint32) print("32k",bate_base_buffer.physical_address) BETA_BASE=bate_base_buffer.physical_address img_base_buffer = allocate(shape=(4194304,), dtype=np.int32) print("16M",img_base_buffer.physical_address) IMG_MEM = img_base_buffer.physical_address
时间: 2024-04-07 15:28:05 浏览: 186
- 第一行代码分配了一个shape为(25470896,),数据类型为np.uint32的数组,该数组用于存储权重数据,其大小为约97MB。使用weight_base_buffer.physical_address方法可以获取该数组在RAM中的物理地址,并将其赋值给WEIGHT_BASE常量。
- 第二行代码分配了一个shape为(5381,),数据类型为np.uint32的数组,该数组用于存储偏置数据,其大小为约21KB。使用bate_base_buffer.physical_address方法可以获取该数组在RAM中的物理地址,并将其赋值给BETA_BASE常量。
- 第三行代码分配了一个shape为(4194304,),数据类型为np.int32的数组,该数组用于存储图像数据,其大小为约16MB。使用img_base_buffer.physical_address方法可以获取该数组在RAM中的物理地址,并将其赋值给IMG_MEM常量。
为何import numpy as np from PIL import Image def image_generator(file_paths, batch_size=32): """ 生成器函数,每次返回一个批次的图像数组 """ start_index = 0 end_index = batch_size while start_index < len(file_paths): batch_paths = file_paths[start_index:end_index] images = [] for path in batch_paths: img = Image.open(path) img = img.resize((450, 600)) img = np.asarray(img) images.append(img) images = np.array(images) yield images start_index = end_index end_index += batch_size # 读取所有图像文件路径 file_paths = df['path'].tolist() # 定义空的NumPy数组,用于存储所有图像数据 all_images = np.empty((len(file_paths), 600, 450, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # 使用生成器函数逐批次读取和处理图像,并将每个批次的图像数据存储在上述空数组中 img_gen = image_generator(file_paths) i = 0 for batch_images in img_gen: batch_size = batch_images.shape[0] all_images[i:i+batch_size] = batch_images i += batch_size # 将存储有所有图像数据的NumPy数组赋值给 `df['image']` 列 df['image'] = all_images会出现MemoryError: Unable to allocate 7.48 GiB for an array with shape (9921, 600, 450, 3) and data type uint8报错
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size):
num_samples = len(df)
while True:
for offset in range(0, num_samples, batch_size):
batch_df = df[offset:offset+batch_size]
images = []
for path in batch_df['path']:
img = Image.open(path).resize(img_size)
X = np.array(images)
yield X
batch_size = 32
img_size = (600, 450)
gen = image_generator(df, batch_size, img_size)
# 读取生成器中的每个批次,并将所有图像数据存储在 `df['image']` 列中
for i, batch_images in enumerate(gen):
start_index = i * batch_size
end_index = start_index + batch_images.shape[0]
df.loc[start_index:end_index, 'image'] = batch_images
分析class MemoryManager: def __init__(self, allocator): self.allocator = allocator self.process_list = [] def allocate(self, process, request_size): block_start = -1 end = -1 memory_view = self.allocator.memory_view() i = 0 while i < 256: if memory_view[i] == None: if end < 0: end = i if (memory_view[i] is not None) and (end >= 0): move_lenght = i - end k = memory_view[i] for j in self.process_list: if j == k: a = j.get_memory() j_start = a[0] self.allocator.free_memory(j) length_area = j.block j_start = j_start - move_lenght self.allocator.allocate_memory(j_start, length_area, j) memory_view = self.allocator.memory_view() i = -1 break end = -1 i = i + 1 memory_view = self.allocator.memory_view() for j in range(len(memory_view)): # 0~255 if memory_view[j] == None: if block_start < 0: block_start = j if (memory_view[j] is not None) and (block_start >= 0): if j - block_start == request_size: break elif j - block_start < request_size: block_start = -1 self.process_list.append(process) self.allocator.allocate_memory(block_start, request_size, process)