linux的ping -W
时间: 2023-08-07 17:06:08 浏览: 716
"ping" 是 Linux 中一个常用的命令,用于检测网络连接是否正常。它会向指定的 IP 地址或域名发送 ICMP 数据包,并等待目标主机回应。在命令行中输入 "ping -W <timeout>" 可以设置超时时间,单位为秒,即等待目标主机回应的最长时间。例如,"ping -W 2" 表示等待 2 秒后如果没有接收到该域名的响应就停止 ping。
linux ping -w deadline
`ping -w deadline` is a command used in Linux to set a time limit for how long the `ping` command will run. The `ping` command is used to test the connectivity between two networked devices by sending packets of data and measuring the response time.
The `-w` option specifies the time limit in seconds, after which the `ping` command will be terminated. For example, `ping -w 5` will run the `ping` command for a maximum of 5 seconds.
The `deadline` parameter specifies an absolute time limit, instead of a relative one. For example, `ping -w deadline` will run the `ping` command until the specified deadline time is reached, regardless of how many packets have been sent or received.
翻译一下ping -i 1 -w 1 -c 10000 -s 1024 -q $ip > ping_$ip.log &这段代码