dnsmasq ipv6 netmask
时间: 2023-08-30 08:11:09 浏览: 167
dnsmasq是一个轻型的DNS和DHCP服务器软件,它可以为本地网络提供DNS解析和IP地址分配服务。在IPv6网络中,netmask被称为prefix length,它指定了IPv6地址中网络部分的位数。
在dnsmasq中设置IPv6地址的prefix length可以通过在dnsmasq.conf文件中添加以下行来完成:
其中,64即为prefix length的位数,表示IPv6地址中网络部分占用的位数是64位。请根据您的网络配置和需求进行相应的修改。
dnsmasq ipv6
Dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS and DHCP server that can support both IPv4 and IPv6. To enable IPv6 support in Dnsmasq, you need to do the following:
1. Make sure that your operating system supports IPv6.
2. Edit the Dnsmasq configuration file (usually located at /etc/dnsmasq.conf) with a text editor and add the following line to enable IPv6 support:
This line tells Dnsmasq to listen on both the IPv4 loopback address ( and the IPv6 loopback address (::1).
3. If you want to provide IPv6 addresses to clients using DHCPv6, you can add the following lines to the Dnsmasq configuration file:
This will provide IPv6 addresses in the range of ::100 to ::200 to clients that connect to the eth0 interface. It also enables Router Advertisement (RA) messages, which allow clients to automatically configure their IPv6 addresses and default gateway.
4. Finally, restart the Dnsmasq service to apply the changes:
`sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq`
dnsmasq ipv6 dhcp
dnsmasq是一个常用的DNS和DHCP服务器软件,它可以支持IPv4和IPv6地址的分配。如果你想使用dnsmasq提供IPv6 DHCP服务,你需要在dnsmasq的配置文件中添加以下内容: