以下翻译成英文 定义3.1:标签向量 给定一个查询图q和一个数据图G以及标签集合∑,假设标签集合|∑|=n,即标签集合中有Li(i∈[1...n])种标签,则顶点u的标签向量Nu(k1,k2,,...kn)代表u的相邻顶点有k1个L1标签,k2个L2标签,以此类推,kn个Ln标签。给查询图跟数据图中的每个顶点赋予标签向量。
时间: 2023-03-12 07:51:44 浏览: 131
Definition 3.1: Label Vector. Given a query graph q and a data graph G, and a label set ∑, where |∑|=n, i.e. there are Li (i ∈ [1 ... n]) labels in the label set, then the label vector Nu (k1, k2, ... kn) of vertex u represents that there are k1 L1 labels, k2 L2 labels, etc. in the adjacent vertices of u, and kn Ln labels. Assign a label vector to each vertex in the query graph and the data graph.