时间: 2023-06-18 15:08:10 浏览: 214
1. 父类和子类:父类是继承的类,子类是继承父类的类。
2. 继承的类型:Java中支持单继承,即每个子类只能继承一个父类。但是,Java中也支持多重继承,即一个类可以同时继承多个接口。
3. 访问修饰符:在Java中,继承也受到访问修饰符的限制。如果一个类被声明为public,则其所有公共方法和属性都可以在继承类中使用。如果一个类被声明为private,则其所有私有方法和属性都不能在继承类中使用。
4. 方法覆盖:当子类继承父类时,子类可以重写父类中的方法。这称为方法覆盖。方法覆盖提供了一种重写或改善父类中方法的机制。
5. super关键字:子类可以使用super关键字来访问其父类中的方法和属性。这对于在子类中覆盖父类方法时必要的。
6. 构造函数:子类可以调用其父类的构造函数来初始化其继承的属性。这可以通过使用super关键字和父类构造函数的参数列表来实现。
java Inheritance
Java Inheritance is a mechanism where a new class is derived from an existing class. The existing class is called the parent class or the superclass, and the new class is called the child class or the subclass. The child class inherits all the properties and methods of the parent class, and it can also define its own properties and methods.
In Java, inheritance is achieved through the use of the "extends" keyword. When a class extends another class, it inherits all the public and protected members of the parent class. The child class can then use these members as if they were its own.
Java supports single inheritance, which means that a class can only inherit from one parent class. However, Java also supports interface inheritance, where a class can implement multiple interfaces. The interfaces define a set of methods that the implementing class must implement.
Inheritance is an important concept in object-oriented programming, as it promotes code reuse and allows for the creation of complex class hierarchies.
java inheritance
Java inheritance is a mechanism by which one class can inherit properties and methods from another class. The class that is being inherited from is called the superclass or parent class, while the class that is inheriting is called the subclass or child class.
The subclass can access all public and protected properties and methods of its superclass, and it can also have its own properties and methods. This allows for code reuse and makes it easier to organize code into logical hierarchies.
To implement inheritance in Java, you use the "extends" keyword in the class declaration. For example, if you want to create a subclass called "Employee" that inherits from a superclass called "Person", you would declare it like this:
public class Employee extends Person {
// subclass code here
In this example, the Employee class would inherit all public and protected properties and methods from the Person class.