正则表达式:\d.*答案,数据:6. Did you notice the guy_________head looked like a big potato? A. who B. which C. whose [答案] C
时间: 2024-03-04 09:50:43 浏览: 62
PHP 正则表达式常用函数使用小结
这个正则表达式可以匹配到字符串"6. Did you notice the guy_________head looked like a big potato? A. who B. which C. whose [答案] C"中的"6."到"[答案] C"这一段,其中数字6可以被 `\d` 匹配到,而"[答案] C"可以被"答案"匹配到。
所以这个正则表达式可以匹配到的结果是:"6. Did you notice the guy_________head looked like a big potato? A. who B. which C. whose [答案] C"。