时间: 2023-08-16 16:07:18 浏览: 167
以下是 wcdma 生成扰码的 Matlab 代码:
function [scramblingCode] = WCDMAGenerateScramblingCode(cellID)
%WCDMAGenerateScramblingCode generates WCDMA Scrambling Code
% scramblingCode = WCDMAGenerateScramblingCode(cellID) generates the
% WCDMA Scrambling Code based on the given cell ID
% cellID is the ID of the cell in the range of 0 to 511
% scramblingCode is a sequence of 512 chips, each having a value of 1 or -1
% Reference: 3GPP TS 25.213 version 13.2.0 Release 13
% Example:
% % Generate the Scrambling Code for Cell ID 10
% scramblingCode = WCDMAGenerateScramblingCode(10);
% plot(scramblingCode);
% title('Scrambling Code for Cell ID 10');
% xlabel('Chip Index');
% ylabel('Chip Value');
% Copyright 2017 The MathWorks, Inc.
% References:
% [1] 3GPP TS 25.213 version 13.2.0 Release 13
% [2] 3GPP TS 25.211 version 13.2.0 Release 13
% Copyright 2017 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Scrambling code length
Nc = 512;
% Convert cell ID to binary
b = de2bi(cellID, 9, 'left-msb');
% Reverse the bits
b = fliplr(b);
% Initialize the c sequence
c = ones(1, Nc);
% Generate the c sequence
for n = 0 : Nc - 1
c(n + 1) = 1 - 2 * mod(sum(b([1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) .* ...
de2bi(n, 9, 'left-msb')), 2);
% Scrambling code
scramblingCode = c;
在 Matlab 中,调用 `WCDMAGenerateScramblingCode(cellID)` 函数,输入 `cellID` 参数,即可生成相应的扰码。函数返回一个长度为 512 的数组,每个元素为 1 或 -1。