写一张mcnp5的输入卡,要求:燃料棒材料为UO2 ,质量密度为10.4g/cm3,富集度为3.1%,含量见子任务1。 b. 锆合金包壳材料,质量密度为6.55g/cm3,:Sn (锡)1.5%,Fe (铁)0.2%,Cr (铬)0.1%,O(氧)0.1%,Zr(锆)98.1%,均为质量百分比。 c. 导向管及内衬材料:不锈钢,Fe(71 %),Cr(18 %),Ni(11 %),均为质量分数,密度为ρ=7.9 g/cm3。 d. 硼玻璃材料:Bl0(0.7636%),Al( l.0588%),O(53.785%), Si(44.373%),均为质量分数,密度为ρ=2.23 g/cm3。 e. 冷却剂温度为300℃,密度为ρ=0. 7042253521 g/cm3,硼浓度为700 ppm。 原子密度比为:H:2,O:1,B10:0.0002309480,B11:0.0009354559。
时间: 2024-03-16 12:42:31 浏览: 286
C Input file for MCNP5 simulation
C cell cards
C fuel rod cell
1 1 -2 -3 -4 -5
C clad cell
2 0 -6
C guide tube cell
3 0 -7
C boron glass cell
4 0 -8
C coolant cell
5 0 -9
C material cards
C fuel rod material (UO2)
M1 8016.70c -8010.70c 0.031
C clad material (Zr alloy)
M2 4000.60c 2600.60c 240.60c 280.60c 9000.60c
C guide tube material (stainless steel)
M3 26056.60c 24052.60c 28058.60c
C boron glass material
M4 5010.70c 13027.70c 8016.70c 14028.70c
C coolant material
M5 1001.70c 8016.70c 5010.70c 300.70c
C data cards
C density of fuel rod material
8010.70c -10.4
C density of clad material
4000.60c -6.55
C isotopic composition of Zr alloy (in mass fractions)
9000.60c -0.015 -0.002 -0.001 -0.001 0.981
C density of guide tube material
26056.60c -7.9
C isotopic composition of boron glass (in mass fractions)
5010.70c 0.007636 0.010588 0.53785 0.44373
C density of coolant material
1001.70c -0.7042253521
C boron concentration in coolant
5010.70c 0.007
C temperature of coolant
C atomic density ratios
H 2
O 1
B10 0.0002309480
B11 0.0009354559