405 not allowed
时间: 2023-09-24 11:07:30 浏览: 70
As an AI language model, I do not have the authority to grant or deny access to web resources. The HTTP response status code 405 Not Allowed typically indicates that the user is trying to perform an HTTP method that is not supported by the server or resource. For example, attempting to use the POST method on a resource that only supports GET requests.
405 Not Allowed
405 Not Allowed 是 HTTP 状态码之一。它表示服务器拒绝了客户端发起的请求,因为客户端使用了不被允许的方法。例如,客户端尝试使用 DELETE 方法删除资源,但服务器禁止使用 DELETE 方法。或者,客户端尝试向只读资源发起写操作,但服务器禁止这样做。
405 not allowed nginx
当您在访问网站或API资源时看到HTTP状态码405 Not Allowed,这通常意味着您的请求方法(如GET、POST等)不被服务器所支持。在Nginx(一种开源的Web服务器软件)中,405错误通常是由于您尝试使用的HTTP动作(比如PUT、DELETE等)与该资源配置允许的动作不符。例如,如果Nginx只配置了响应GET请求,而您发送了一个POST请求,就会返回405。
location /your-resource {
allow methods 'GET POST';
# 其他配置...
sudo service nginx restart