某班32 位同学某学期三门课程的期末成绩保存于numdata1.xlsx 中,用Matlab根据要求完成下列操作 (2)基本查询功能: 找出每门课程最高分的学生姓名及其成绩; 找出三门总分最高分的学生姓名及其成绩:
时间: 2024-03-09 16:46:57 浏览: 85
% 读取Excel文件中的数据
data = readtable('numdata1.xlsx');
% 找出每门课程最高分的学生姓名及其成绩
[~, idx1] = max(data.Chinese);
name1 = data.Name(idx1);
score1 = data.Chinese(idx1);
[~, idx2] = max(data.Math);
name2 = data.Name(idx2);
score2 = data.Math(idx2);
[~, idx3] = max(data.English);
name3 = data.Name(idx3);
score3 = data.English(idx3);
fprintf('Chinese: %s got the highest score %d\n', name1{1}, score1);
fprintf('Math: %s got the highest score %d\n', name2{1}, score2);
fprintf('English: %s got the highest score %d\n', name3{1}, score3);
% 找出三门总分最高分的学生姓名及其成绩
total_score = data.Chinese + data.Math + data.English;
[~, idx4] = max(total_score);
name4 = data.Name(idx4);
score4 = total_score(idx4);
fprintf('The student with highest total score is %s, and the score is %d\n', name4{1}, score4);