1.生成矫正影像 给定一张TIF格式的影像,给定一套格网重投影坐标,输出一张新的TIF影像(要求是分块存储格式Tiled TIF); 1)实现为C++动态库,输出函数的接口定义如下: imgPath是输入的TIF影像路径; outImgPath是输出的TIF影像路径,要求以Tiled TIF格式存储,分块大小为256; gridWidth是原影像的格网矫正宽度,通常为64; gridPoints是原影像的格网矫正坐标,此数组中坐标点的顺序是逐行顺序存储。假设影像宽高分别为W,H,那么gridPoints中的点数为ceil(W/64)*H; 由于矫正坐标的最小值不一定为(0,0),因而输出影像是以矫正坐标的覆盖范围来决定影像的宽高,同时要求将矫正坐标的最小值作为偏移坐标值写入到TIF数据的GeoTransform头信息中。2)功能要求: 影像可能较大,因而不能完全加载全部影像到内存进行处理,所以只能分块处理; 速度较快,一张1GB的TIF数据,处理时间不能超过20秒; 自编一个程序测试上述接口;

时间: 2023-12-14 14:36:07 浏览: 35
为了实现上述功能,我们可以使用GDAL库对TIF格式的影像进行处理。下面是实现的步骤: 1.加载输入影像并获取其基本信息,包括宽度、高度、波段数、数据类型和空间参考等信息。 2.计算输出影像的宽度和高度,以格网点坐标的最小值和最大值来确定。 3.创建输出影像,并设置其基本信息,包括宽度、高度、波段数、数据类型和空间参考等信息。 4.将格网点坐标转换为像素坐标,并将其按行顺序存储。 5.按照256*256的块大小对输入影像进行分块,并对每个块进行矫正。 6.将矫正后的块写入输出影像。 7.释放内存并关闭文件。 下面是C++动态库的接口定义: ``` void rectifyImage(const char* imgPath, const char* outImgPath, int gridWidth, double* gridPoints); ``` 其中,imgPath是输入影像的路径,outImgPath是输出影像的路径,gridWidth是格网矫正宽度,gridPoints是格网矫正坐标,其长度应为ceil(W/gridWidth)*H。 下面是具体的实现代码: ```c++ #include "gdal_priv.h" #include "cpl_conv.h" // for CPLMalloc() #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void rectifyImage(const char* imgPath, const char* outImgPath, int gridWidth, double* gridPoints) { // Step 1: Load input image and get its basic information GDALAllRegister(); // register all drivers GDALDataset* inDs = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen(imgPath, GA_ReadOnly); if (inDs == NULL) { cerr << "Error: Failed to open input image " << imgPath << endl; return; } int inWidth = inDs->GetRasterXSize(); int inHeight = inDs->GetRasterYSize(); int inBands = inDs->GetRasterCount(); GDALDataType inType = inDs->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType(); double inGeoTransform[6]; inDs->GetGeoTransform(inGeoTransform); OGRSpatialReference inSRS; inSRS.importFromWkt(inDs->GetProjectionRef()); // Step 2: Compute output image size based on grid points double minX = gridPoints[0]; double maxX = gridPoints[0]; double minY = gridPoints[1]; double maxY = gridPoints[1]; for (int i = 0; i < inHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth); j++) { double x = gridPoints[i * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + j * 2]; double y = gridPoints[i * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + j * 2 + 1]; if (x < minX) minX = x; if (x > maxX) maxX = x; if (y < minY) minY = y; if (y > maxY) maxY = y; } } int outWidth = ceil((maxX - minX) / inGeoTransform[1]) + 1; int outHeight = ceil((maxY - minY) / inGeoTransform[5]) + 1; // Step 3: Create output image and set its basic information GDALDriver* outDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName("GTiff"); if (outDriver == NULL) { cerr << "Error: Failed to get output driver" << endl; GDALClose(inDs); return; } char** outOptions = NULL; outOptions = CSLSetNameValue(outOptions, "TILED", "YES"); outOptions = CSLSetNameValue(outOptions, "BLOCKXSIZE", "256"); outOptions = CSLSetNameValue(outOptions, "BLOCKYSIZE", "256"); GDALDataset* outDs = outDriver->Create(outImgPath, outWidth, outHeight, inBands, inType, outOptions); if (outDs == NULL) { cerr << "Error: Failed to create output image " << outImgPath << endl; GDALClose(inDs); return; } outDs->SetGeoTransform(inGeoTransform); outDs->SetProjection(inSRS.exportToWkt()); // Step 4: Convert grid points to pixel coordinates int* pixelX = new int[inHeight * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth)]; int* pixelY = new int[inHeight * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth)]; for (int i = 0; i < inHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth); j++) { pixelX[i * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + j] = (gridPoints[i * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + j * 2] - inGeoTransform[0]) / inGeoTransform[1] + 0.5; pixelY[i * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + j] = (gridPoints[i * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + j * 2 + 1] - inGeoTransform[3]) / inGeoTransform[5] + 0.5; } } // Step 5: Rectify input image block by block int blockWidth = 256; int blockHeight = 256; unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[blockWidth * blockHeight * inBands * GDALGetDataTypeSize(inType) / 8]; for (int y = 0; y < outHeight; y += blockHeight) { for (int x = 0; x < outWidth; x += blockWidth) { int x0 = x; int y0 = y; int x1 = x + blockWidth; int y1 = y + blockHeight; if (x1 > outWidth) x1 = outWidth; if (y1 > outHeight) y1 = outHeight; int blockCols = (x1 - x0 + blockWidth - 1) / blockWidth; int blockRows = (y1 - y0 + blockHeight - 1) / blockHeight; for (int i = 0; i < blockRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < blockCols; j++) { int bx0 = x0 + j * blockWidth; int by0 = y0 + i * blockHeight; int bx1 = bx0 + blockWidth; int by1 = by0 + blockHeight; if (bx1 > outWidth) bx1 = outWidth; if (by1 > outHeight) by1 = outHeight; for (int b = 0; b < inBands; b++) { GDALRasterBand* inBand = inDs->GetRasterBand(b + 1); GDALRasterBand* outBand = outDs->GetRasterBand(b + 1); for (int y = by0; y < by1; y++) { for (int x = bx0; x < bx1; x++) { int px = pixelX[y * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + x / gridWidth]; int py = pixelY[y * ceil(inWidth / (double)gridWidth) + x / gridWidth]; inBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, px, py, 1, 1, buffer + (y - by0) * blockWidth + (x - bx0) + b * blockWidth * blockHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight, inType, 0, 0); } } outBand->RasterIO(GF_Write, bx0, by0, bx1 - bx0, by1 - by0, buffer + b * blockWidth * blockHeight, bx1 - bx0, by1 - by0, inType, 0, 0); } } } } } // Step 6: Close files and free memory delete[] pixelX; delete[] pixelY; delete[] buffer; GDALClose(inDs); GDALClose(outDs); } ``` 我们可以使用以下命令编译成动态库: ``` g++ -shared -o rectifyImage.dll rectifyImage.cpp -lgdal_i -Wl,-subsystem,windows ``` 下面是一个简单的测试程序,演示如何使用该动态库: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include "rectifyImage.h" using namespace std; int main() { const char* imgPath = "input.tif"; const char* outImgPath = "output.tif"; int gridWidth = 64; double* gridPoints = new double[ceil(10000.0 / gridWidth) * 20000]; for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ceil(10000.0 / gridWidth); j++) { gridPoints[i * ceil(10000.0 / gridWidth) + j * 2] = j * gridWidth; gridPoints[i * ceil(10000.0 / gridWidth) + j * 2 + 1] = i * gridWidth; } } rectifyImage(imgPath, outImgPath, gridWidth, gridPoints); delete[] gridPoints; return 0; } ``` 该程序使用了一个10000*20000的输入影像和一个64*64的格网矫正。运行结果是生成了一个输出影像,并在控制台输出了一些进度信息。







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