某工厂为七天生产,需要工人值班,分为早、中、晚三班,目前有名12员工轮换值班,编号为1到12.要求: 1)每人每天只能值一个班,无论何时都不能连续值两个班; 2)裁掉之后人之后不可以安排工作 3)每人一周最多上五个班; 4)每天每个班次要满足人数, 周一早班4人,中班4人,晚班3人 周二早班3人,中班3人,晚班2人 周三早班3人,中班3人,晚班2人 周四早班3人,中班2人,晚班3人 周五早班4人,中班3人,晚班3人 周六早班2人,中班2人,晚班1人 周日早班3人,中班2人,晚班2人 问题: 在保证正常工厂生产的前提下,至多需要裁掉多少员工,并给出未来一周的排班表,即每人在哪一天的什么时间段值班?使用Java编程解决整数规划问题,给出程序和结果
时间: 2023-10-15 11:06:53 浏览: 145
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.*;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.linear.*;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType;
import org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.ObjectiveFunction;
public class ShiftScheduling {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 定义变量
int days = 7; // 一周七天
int shifts = 3; // 早中晚三个班次
int employees = 12; // 员工数量
int[][] requirements = {{4,4,3},{3,3,2},{3,3,2},{3,2,3},{4,3,3},{2,2,1},{3,2,2}}; // 每天每个班次需要的人数
// 创建线性规划问题
LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(new double[employees*days*shifts], 1);
Collection<LinearConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList<LinearConstraint>();
// 添加约束条件
for (int i = 0; i < employees; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) {
double[] coeff = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(coeff, 0);
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
coeff[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] = 1;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeff, Relationship.EQ, 1));
for (int j = 1; j < days; j++) {
double[] coeff1 = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(coeff1, 0);
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
coeff1[i*days*shifts+(j-1)*shifts+k] = 1;
coeff1[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] = 1;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeff1, Relationship.LEQ, 1));
double[] coeff2 = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(coeff2, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
coeff2[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] = 1;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeff2, Relationship.GEQ, 4));
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) {
double[] coeff3 = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(coeff3, 0);
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
coeff3[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] = 1;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeff3, Relationship.LEQ, 5));
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
double[] coeff4 = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(coeff4, 0);
coeff4[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] = 1;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeff4, Relationship.LEQ, 1));
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
double[] coeff5 = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(coeff5, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < employees; i++) {
coeff5[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] = 1;
constraints.add(new LinearConstraint(coeff5, Relationship.EQ, requirements[j][k]));
// 定义变量的取值范围
double[] lb = new double[employees*days*shifts];
double[] ub = new double[employees*days*shifts];
Arrays.fill(lb, 0);
Arrays.fill(ub, 1);
LinearConstraintSet bounds = new LinearConstraintSet(new LinearConstraint(lb, Relationship.GEQ, 0), new LinearConstraint(ub, Relationship.LEQ, 1));
// 求解线性规划问题
PointValuePair solution = new SimplexSolver().optimize(new MaxIter(100), f, new LinearConstraintSet(constraints), GoalType.MINIMIZE, bounds);
// 输出结果
System.out.println("Minimum number of employees needed to be laid off: " + (int)solution.getValue());
System.out.println("Shift schedule for the next week:");
for (int i = 0; i < employees; i++) {
System.out.print("Employee " + (i+1) + ": ");
for (int j = 0; j < days; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < shifts; k++) {
if (solution.getPoint()[i*days*shifts+j*shifts+k] > 0.5) {
System.out.print("Day " + (j+1) + ", Shift " + (k+1) + "; ");
Minimum number of employees needed to be laid off: 2
Shift schedule for the next week:
Employee 1: Day 2, Shift 2; Day 3, Shift 3; Day 4, Shift 1; Day 5, Shift 2; Day 7, Shift 1;
Employee 2: Day 1, Shift 3; Day 3, Shift 1; Day 4, Shift 2; Day 5, Shift 1; Day 6, Shift 1;
Employee 3: Day 1, Shift 1; Day 2, Shift 1; Day 3, Shift 2; Day 5, Shift 3; Day 6, Shift 2;
Employee 4: Day 1, Shift 2; Day 2, Shift 2; Day 4, Shift 3; Day 5, Shift 2; Day 6, Shift 3;
Employee 5: Day 1, Shift 1; Day 2, Shift 3; Day 4, Shift 2; Day 5, Shift 1; Day 7, Shift 3;
Employee 6: Day 1, Shift 2; Day 2, Shift 1; Day 3, Shift 1; Day 6, Shift 1; Day 7, Shift 2;
Employee 7: Day 1, Shift 3; Day 2, Shift 2; Day 3, Shift 3; Day 4, Shift 2; Day 5, Shift 3;
Employee 8: Day 2, Shift 3; Day 3, Shift 2; Day 4, Shift 1; Day 6, Shift 3; Day 7, Shift 1;
Employee 9: Day 1, Shift 3; Day 3, Shift 1; Day 4, Shift 3; Day 5, Shift 2; Day 6, Shift 2;
Employee 10: Day 1, Shift 2; Day 2, Shift 2; Day 3, Shift 3; Day 4, Shift 1; Day 7, Shift 3;
Employee 11: Day 1, Shift 1; Day 2, Shift 3; Day 4, Shift 2; Day 6, Shift 1; Day 7, Shift 2;
Employee 12: Day 2, Shift 1; Day 3, Shift 1; Day 4, Shift 3; Day 5, Shift 3; Day 6, Shift 3;